Example sentences of "he might find " in BNC.

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1 He smiled , giving us the impression that — after all the adulation he usually experiences — he might find that something of a relief .
2 Now I 'm not saying Ian Rush missed the boat entirely , but he might find it pretty interesting when Gullitt and Van Basten discuss their life and work in Italy on Grandstand ( BBC1 , Saturday ) .
3 Bracing himself , ready for whatever he might find at the bottom .
4 He had , she said , been unable to pass any shop in any town , any market-stall or window , for he might find a Nelson , a Gladiator , Henry Irving , a Shepherd boy with dog , twins , Dick Turpin .
5 But if you ask him to spare a couple of hours to help out at a St John Ambulance fund-raising activity or a garden fête for the church roof repair fund , he might find that a worthwhile thing to do .
6 If Mr Kinnock found himself head of a minority government and decided to ‘ soldier on ’ he might find that Sir Richard Attenborough , that grand old trouper in ‘ Luvvies for Labour ’ , could turn out to be an embarrassment .
7 In the right location , however , he might find a very profitable market for hand-harvested and threshed wheat and rye straw for thatching and horse collars .
8 If he were to go to the doctor and ask about it , he might find out — ‘ Mind yer backs !
9 On the other hand , if your employer fails to adopt a particular rule , he might find it difficult to dismiss you summarily for breach of it .
10 If Harry wanted to play bridge , they could learn together , join a club , and he might find a chance to play bridge in the daytime when she was unavailable , and eventually get to mind less about her other activities .
11 Surely , if he could find this source then he might find a lot more ?
12 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
13 Bob Crayshaw said , looking up and down the table while he shifted his cutlery around as if he might find answers in the new arrangement .
14 Paul asked where he might find a bookshop , and was told .
15 On the way it had occurred to him that he might find the police at Adam 's .
16 With a little food inside him he felt he might find composition easier .
17 ‘ If he committed himself to Britain by actually living here he might find a bit more warmth forthcoming from the British public .
18 I had never seen one , but my brother had talked of them , and I knew that he was hoping he might find one here .
19 Eadmer gives a curiously confused account of Anselm 's motives at this time , but one thing stands out clearly : Anselm would not bring about the chaos in personal relationships and conflict of obligations which he might find himself obliged to precipitate if he read the letter .
20 As I will suggest in chapter eight , the black sportsman sees sport not as a hobby , but as a central life interest , a sphere in which he might find scope for self-expression and a possible avenue out of his mundane , everyday existence .
21 In doing so he might find himself in the company of evolutionary epistemologists such as Riedl ( 1979 ) , whose over-arching theory of life as an ‘ erkenntnisgewinnender prozess ’ seems to require a unitary notion of knowledge or information , information that can be stored in a genome at one end of the evolutionary spectrum , as well as be expressed , at the other end , by scientific theories that make the world a less strange place to live in .
22 I 've thought about him a great deal and have a plan he might find useful .
23 He might find it there but she did not think he would .
24 If one knight became separated from the rest of his team he might find five or six opponents all bearing down on him at once , and one of them might strike him in the back .
25 If there were a powerful king he might find some other way of terminating disputes and for this reason the church — which was not supposed to engage in warfare — was generally in favour of a king who could provide strong government .
26 On the other hand , there is a fair chance that he might find a magic potion which will restore him to full strength and heal his wounds .
27 Further , he might find it interesting ( and salutary ) to read ( see , for example , [ 71 ] , [ 115 ] ) how such great mathematicians as Euler , d'Alembert and Daniel Bernoulli came , around 1750 , to arguing about their respective solutions to the " vibrating string " problem essentially because their ideas as to what constituted a function did not coincide .
28 He might have sexual desires , he might find certain people attractive .
29 Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord 's daughter .
30 For the first time it occurred to Katherine as a conscious thought that he might find life with her mother a trial in ways which did n't only concern her .
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