Example sentences of "he could make " in BNC.

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1 If meeting him could make you reach for something a lot stronger than H 2 O , you will be relieved to hear that he 's anchored to the ground .
2 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
3 All the pictures he showed me looked the same messy blur but he insisted he could make out the individual features of each person .
4 Looking more like a bewildered Old English sheepdog than a thwarted child-molester , he throws himself around the place , lying on his back and waggling his feet in the air , as if by an excess of physical effort he could make up for the thinness of the script .
5 He found that he could make a speech — that is , he could think on his feet , and not be at a loss for words .
6 It was work towards which all Ramsey 's training and expectations led as the right contribution which he could make to the life of his Church and to that of Christendom .
7 The landlord had obviously decided he could make a lot of money out of this rehearsal room lark .
8 He half hoped she would give him one of them by mistake so that he could make a scene , but she did n't .
9 Gradually , almost imperceptibly , the light strengthened and soon he could make out the shape of boats , the mexeflote causeway and the patchwork of woods and fields on the island .
10 The most useful contribution he could make was to turn up on the right day in the right uniform , cut ribbons , and make cosy speeches .
11 And here were people who wanted him not just for the name on the letter-head , but because they thought he could make a positive contribution .
12 With quality technicians creamed off from other studios , he could make cheap films so that they looked good and brought in a respectable profit .
13 When he was a child and his mother was ill , he thought he could make her better by writing a play .
14 When his mother took him to school on the first day , he decided from then onwards he could make his own way to school and did n't hesitate in telling his mother just that .
15 He said that he did it because everybody wanted him to do it , and he even agreed with me that bits were like Simon and Garfunkel and it sounded like a hundred songs written before , and admitted that he was cashing in on the moon landing but thought he could make some money doing it .
16 He clipped the lead on to the dog with cold hands which would hardly function , and let her pull him up the slope as fast as he could make his legs move .
17 He rang Davidson to confirm that he could make the eight a. m. appointment .
18 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
19 ‘ He told me that all his life he was such a shit , and he finally realized he could make someone as happy as he made me , ’ recalls Joey .
20 There was one way , however , only one way he could make sure no life was lost apart from his own .
21 Yet he was endlessly intrigued with himself , and he decided early on that the only way he could make his mark was to be Decidedly Different .
22 By now his eyes were used to the darkness but he could make out very little .
23 Or rather , he could make them , but just did n't feel like abiding by them a few hours later .
24 Turning the big key in the back door and easing up the latch , Mungo began to feel free , as though now he could make his own rules and ignore the restrictions imposed by daylight .
25 Or he could make a determined effort to solve the mystery , whatever the risk .
26 Without doing anything at all he could make things happen for which he must be punished with slaps , missed meals or verbal assaults that left him trembling and incoherent .
27 It was just dawn in Shepherd 's Bush , and he could make out without the flame of a candle the narrow , tightly packed words crabbing across the paper .
28 Straining to listen , the boy thought he could make out the soft fall of footsteps on the snuffled ground between the trees .
29 But he could make out her form stretching up to the light .
30 He could make Miller wake up now .
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