Example sentences of "he have to see " in BNC.

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1 He has to see with his own eyes that the object he takes to be a rough piece of hemp , destined to choke the life out of him , is in fact a string of priceless pearls .
2 We affirm on the contrary that he has to see every code including his own as criticizable in terms of ‘ Be aware ’ .
3 He has to see a man , ’ I reminded her tonelessly .
4 He had to see what was up with the sheep .
5 He had to see it for himself .
6 In the forests of Chippenham and Melksham , Dean , Feckenham , Peak and Windsor the warden had also the custody of royal manors in the forest , and he had to see that they were properly stocked and managed .
7 Monument Hill was the last place he wanted to go to , but he knew he had to see it again for himself .
8 He had to see Liza again .
9 He had to see .
10 However repulsive , he had to see !
11 He had to see a man about a gallery . ’
12 Er I never actually had any part in it but I heard tales about er the rivet boy in particular , the they would er they would give him a wage equivalent to what they thought was was a was a reasonable wage for him , because of the fact that they were on piece work , he had to see that the rivets there on time .
13 He had to see .
14 He said : ‘ He had to see me this time because I had a clue for him . ’
15 ‘ After his … after the business at Narborough , he had to see Canon Wheeler every now and again .
16 Eventually , they talked themselves out ; or at least the talk became overlaid by the preparations for the Christmas feast , only two weeks away , and those matters of business that had been laid aside for the Earl 's attention : the visits he had to make , and the people he had to see .
17 To turn his head sideways meant slicing the edges of his mouth with the taut wire , but he had to see what they were doing .
18 He 'd forced himself to do this , sneak down here , humiliate himself because he had to see her now , this evening .
19 The night was still young , so whoever the female was who worked peculiar hours , or whatever the reason was that he could n't have seen her earlier — and by then Fabia was certain that ‘ someone he had to see ’ would be female — then she hoped he had a truly lovely time !
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