Example sentences of "[been] under the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The libretto , which had been lying in his drawer for years , had been written by a M. Frontenac , who had known Alain-Fournier personally , and had been under the spell of his novel since it first appeared in 1913 .
2 Hitherto such bodies had been under the sway of the main committee chairman , but now they began to acquire a life of their own .
3 The gunman is thought by detectives to have been under the influence of ‘ crack ’ cocaine .
4 Would it be fair to say that you accepted his decision when you thought it was the right decision , regardless of whether he may have been depressed or he may have been under the influence of drugs or some other pressure ?
5 However , the allegation that Hazelwood had been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the disaster was contradicted by a number of witnesses at his trial , which opened in Anchorage , Alaska , on Jan. 29 , 1990 , after a six-month delay .
6 Some said Durham had had a nightmare or been under the influence of drink .
7 The defence counsel , William Totten , told the High Court in Edinburgh that Storrie had been under the influence of drink and drugs at the time of the offences .
8 Bécherel had been under the command of one of his retainers , and another had been Constable of Saint-Sauveur , though in all probability he had not been involved in its surrender .
9 Improved sanitation , infection and vector control , betterment of nutrition , vaccinations , and maternal and child health programmes have been under the purview of local health authorities in the ministries of health .
10 By contrast , the regulation of the international economy in earlier periods had been under the domination of London , pivoting around London 's capital markets and the pound sterling which acted as the main form of international money .
11 ‘ Mr Taylor has completed ignored the fact that Catholics have been under the jackboot of the IRA and loyalists for over 20 years and it is ridiculous to say that they have not been living in fear . ’
12 As a result of these disputes , Charles gained possession of a number of Istrian coastal cities which had originally been under the rule of Constantinople .
13 But the other two main additions to the new kingdom — Slovenia and Croatia — had been under the rule of Austria or Hungary for approximately the same period of time .
14 For a hundred years or so before the birth of Jesus , Palestine had been under the rule of the Romans .
15 Consequently such services have only been under the administration of health authorities for a short while .
16 While the history of the press has been marked by cleavages between the rulers and the ruled , radio had been under the control of colonial administrators .
17 The Reconciled Dominions had been under the control of Yzordderrex 's Autarch for over a century , and every time Godolphin returned from a trip he had new signs of unrest to report .
18 Religious Affairs had previously been under the control of Lt.-Gen.
19 This diploma had , since the beginning of the 1960s , been under the control of a Committee for the Diploma in Management Studies , for England , Wales and Northern Ireland , and a Scottish Joint Committee for Diplomas in Management Studies .
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