Example sentences of "[been] made to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Separate allegations against Gates — suggesting that he might be implicated in illegal efforts to supply US arms and technology to Iraq via third countries such as South Africa and Chile — were also believed to have been made to congressional investigators and federal law enforcement officials .
2 It emerged that large cash payments had been made to four government ministers in return for relinquishing their portfolios .
3 The cigarette companies used this to justify tobacco advertising : they have maintained that , to reduce average tar yields , new brands will have to be introduced ( despite the fact that substantial changes have already been made to existing brands by simply altering their yields ) and advertising will be needed to make the public aware of these new brands .
4 However , an increasing proportion of audit appointments have been made to private sector accounting firms , the intention being to ultimately provide for a 50/50 split of appointments between the Commission 's own staff and the private sector .
5 If a similar prohibition had been made to all film critics entering Hook , I doubt whether the reviews of Steven Spielberg 's Peter Pan adventure would have been half so bilious .
6 And I 'd like to erm try and get you all to see what you can tell by simply observing the building , and I 'd like to concentrate if we may on the central part of the building , because there are a number of changes that have been made to that building erm which tell a story .
7 No satisfactory response has been made to that research .
8 Where a capital sum is paid to the settlor in the year of assessment by a body corporate connected with the settlement in that year it shall be assumed until the contrary is shown that an associated payment of an amount not less than the amount of the capital sum has been made to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement ( s678(7) ) .
9 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
10 Reference has already been made to three Conventions under which the requirement of connection to a Contracting State is satisfied where the rules of private international law lead to the application of a Contracting State .
11 Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support .
12 Thus much three-dimensional work was evident in the Art rooms a year later , homework had been given greater emphasis , a tentative start had been made to interdepartmental links with Craft and Needlecraft and the ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ Level courses were being revised .
13 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
14 Reference has already been made to parliamentary questions as providing an opportunity for back-bench scrutiny of government actions .
15 Several modifications have been made to this bridge in the century and a half since its completion , but it remains basically the same bridge that Telford designed , and was one of the great civil-engineering achievements of the period .
16 Responses have been made to English Heritage on the management of England 's heritage and on changes to its role in Greater London .
17 Especially since 1983 a significant number of amendments have been made to Conservative legislation .
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