Example sentences of "[been] out for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You been out for a joyride , Preston ? ’ he had a deep , lazy voice .
2 The record has been out for a couple of years , and it 's called ‘ Electric Counterpoint ’ .
3 FX has been out for a while first on Sun Sparc 's and Hewett-Packard Co 9000/400s last December , then on DECstation 5000s and HP 700s in January and finally on IBM 6000s in July .
4 The sun has been out for a while after straining hard through moody skies and my skin is warming .
5 You see , some girl 's been out for a drink , or to a disco , met a fella , the fella invites her back , she goes , and things go a bit further than she intended .
6 It 's ages since we 've been out for a drink together , ’ Laura enthused .
7 Henry , morose , defiant and all but monosyllabic , had been out for a drink early in the evening , but had returned before nine with his younger brother , Francis , with whom he shared a small cottage .
8 We have n't been out for a drink us since , I think last time we went out New Year 's Day
9 They had already shaken hands and been out for a meal together .
10 She and Lewis had been out for a meal the night before .
11 I might , for Phil , for Phil to wind down , he 'll come in , say we 've been out for a meal or whatever , he 'll come in and he 'll sit down in front of the television .
12 The party of young Australians had been out for a meal , and had stopped to take photographs , when Roermond 's market square echoed to gunfire .
13 The Great Britain half-back has been out for a month with strained stomach muscles .
14 Many people who have been out for a number of years have friends and lovers who have died or may die .
15 I say I been out for a walk because I ca n't sleep .
16 If it had been out for a walk or you know ?
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