Example sentences of "have [vb pp] bad " in BNC.

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1 He has selected bad squads , putting continuity before form … the Waddle Factor .
2 The Royal Bank has suffered a slide in profits to £20.9 million from £57.7 million and has seen bad debts soar .
3 The British banger has suffered bad publicity in recent years from Europe .
4 Although Lukic has made bad mistakes at ( unfortunaltely ) critical times I do n't think he is a complete donkey .
5 One person has had bad side effects , the rest of our callers think it 's wonderful .
6 She has got bad spots .
7 Consideration of the effects of stress in the workplace has meant that for many employers the workaholic has become bad news .
8 Victor Lewis-Smith has elevated bad taste into an art form .
9 IT is difficult to tell whether Tuesday 's leadership ballot in the Conservative Party has caused bad blood among the Thatcherites ; the Downing Street bunker is too well insulated for any sounds of strife to be audible outside .
10 For example , the mental-health establishment , behaving as though it has sniffed bad news , is publicly agitating for full-fledged inclusion in the benefits programme .
11 ‘ Even though you thought I was fond of Simon , even though you believed I 'd felt bad about cheating on him ? ’ she protested .
12 She 'd had bad times before she got the flat , but with the flat and the job she felt herself well off She worked from six in the morning to a quarter to nine , getting the offices clean and tidy for the staff who came in at nine o'clock , and for two hours in the evening , from six-thirty to eight-thirty .
13 When she 'd been very little , not too long after her parents had died , she 'd had bad dreams .
14 And he had , kept getting bad , and he 'd had bad heads oh for years but he just thought that was , he was one of them people that got bad heads .
15 There were many records of such manifestations , from reliable and intelligent observers , who had often described the curious incident before they could possibly have heard bad news from India or Australia , where at that moment a friend 's life was endangered .
16 It must have looked bad last night for Bill to say anything .
17 Match commander Peter Durham said : ‘ It might have looked bad , but nobody was hurt and the crowd did n't get involved — apart from one 11-year-old lad who joined in .
18 ‘ That would have looked bad — you should never be one of the stragglers at a party . ’
19 I would have felt bad all day otherwise . ’
20 ‘ When I saw that he had drunk it all , I knew he must have felt bad .
21 Political unrest in Yugoslavia could have spelt bad news for Airtours , which planned to send 7,000 sunseekers there this summer .
22 … Just when it is desirable that ignorant men , new to politics , should have good issues , and only good issues , put before them , these statesmen will have suggested bad issues .
23 I had received bad news .
24 ‘ I 've done bad things .
25 Twice , in less than four days , what should have been a simple operation had turned bad .
26 Asked by Ruth Anderson , for the uncle , if she was absolutely sure he had done bad things to her twice , the girl replied : ‘ I ca n't remember because I was only little . ’
27 Before , you might be able to say , if you have n't got the right results , you can get away with padding out your lab report and writing a lot of background , so that would bung your mark up a bit , but this year , you can do that and you still end up with a bad mark if you 've got bad results .
28 three week , I 've got bad breath and it 's all like coming down here and in my ear .
29 Now , so you 've got bad vibes coming in .
30 I says , the point is I 've got bad eyes as it is ,
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