Example sentences of "[interj] it 's [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He had this really nice cap and it was a really smart cap , I just really liked it and he was a bit of an ugly , well he was n't ugly he was just really gormless and I said erm he must have been about twenty something and I said to him can I have your hat , he said no it 's from a friend , it 's sentimental or something
2 No it 's in a case so you do n't get
3 Lot one hundred and thirty six tortoiseshell case Lot one three six Martinet and Benoit could well be , yes it 's in a plain tortoiseshell case er I have four hundred pounds offered for this , four twenty , fifty , four eighty , five hundred five hundred pounds , any more ?
4 and you 're at A , let's say , let's say , North is that way , okay , and you you set this up and you have a look , you say , where 's that lighthouse , oh it 's on a bearing of forty five degrees , and a lot later when you 've sailed sort of past the lighthouse , or the lighthouse is behind you , you take a bearing , and you still go around clockwise ,
5 Oh it 's on an elevated spot is it or the
6 Oh it 's like a little is it ?
7 Oh it 's like a den of iniquity in here , .
8 In fact , some people when they do come into the salon they say , ooh it 's like an operating theatre !
9 Yeah it 's on a weekend when everybody comes out here to buy their trees and they 're parking they 're cars on the roundabout
10 Yeah it 's in a
11 yeah it 's like a smallholder
12 Yeah it 's like a loan is n't it ?
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