Example sentences of "['s] work [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The closest Continental precedents for William 's work are at Reims and Laon .
2 Of her early upbringing in Beirut , the text notes : ‘ Leslie Hakim-Dowek 's work is about loss , loss of life and liberty in the Lebanon , that sad , strife-torn country in which she was born , and by extension mourning for the loss of natural life on this planet caused by the malice or ignorance of man . ’
3 Running parallel to his one-man exhibition at Ingrid Raab 's Berlin gallery ( until 7 November ) , more of Rainer Fetting 's work is on show at the gallery 's London branch ( from 13 October until 14 November ) .
4 Ernst Caramelle 's work is on show at Crousel-Robelin-Bama until 20 October , whilst Paul Rebeyrolle is exhibiting at two galleries , Lelong and Templon , until 17 October .
5 Nemuchin 's work is on display alongside that of another Russian artist , Vladimir Yankilevsky , with boxes symbolising the isolation of the conformists , and Andrei Lekarski , the Bulgarian painter and sculptor who superimposes statues and forms from Classical antiquity onto surprising three-dimensional collages .
6 In a sense then , the fate of Simmel 's work is at present parallel to that of Hegel 's , in as much as later authorities have appropriated his ideas and aligned them with a theory of rupture seen as specific to capitalism .
7 The practitioner 's work is by Maxwell .
8 He later warned the council 's executive committee chairman Erica Wheeler that Mrs Ware 's work was below par .
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