Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] [noun] in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Stone seems fond of the bizarre dynastic arrangements he studies , tending to deplore the rise of the Arab families who are transforming politics in Honduras ( and , for that matter , in Ecuador and Argentina and Brazil ) .
2 Erm the Africa Inland Mission has many many missionaries there , there are a lot of American missionaries there erm and there are a lot of new churches being built and a lot of people are becoming christians in Kenya .
3 Drunken giant wasps are causing havoc in Kent , Surrey and Sussex .
4 Asylum Aid , which represents immigrants who 're seeking refuge in Britain , says the last thing they need is to spend more time behind bars .
5 And they 'll be able to experience what you say to each other whilst you 're having lessons in England .
6 They 're spending Christmas in Paris & New Year here .
7 And we 're talking business in Japan .
8 They are selling holidays in Fiji , where you can marry in a grass skirt — free from interfering relatives and fussy frills .
9 North Wales Police are investigating homes in Gwynedd and Clwyd after allegations that up to 200 children suffered abuse .
10 James Jonah 's visit on behalf of the secretary-general looks like producing some suggestions , but we shall continue to fund British non-governmental organisations that are providing relief in Somalia in the form of both food and medicines .
11 Its teachers are not like travelling philosophers : they are co-operating labourers in God 's vineyard , and one plants while another waters , but God is the only one who can make anything grow ( 3:6 ) .
12 I assure her that we are having discussions in Europe on various aspects of animal health and welfare .
13 Two women , dressed in the height of size eight printed-silk couture , their skins blackened by some foreign sun , are having lunch in Harry 's Bar .
14 Some people who are approaching faith in God doubt God because they want to believe but dare not .
15 Eighteen Russian students are starting school in England after their parents answered an advertisement placed in a Moscow newspaper .
16 Indeed , British law is so notoriously favourable to plaintiffs that an increasing number are taking action in London against newspapers that circulate predominantly abroad .
17 RAPID developments are taking place in Viet Nam , a country described as having ‘ enormous scope ’ .
18 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
19 Significant developments are taking place in Europe that , given the space , we can inform people about in a much more systematic and thorough way .
20 RAPID changes are taking place in Europe 's economies .
21 ‘ The Labour group wants to take a reasoned , properly considered approach to the momentous events that are taking place in South Africa , ’ he said .
22 Similar efforts are taking place in Japan , the USSR and the USA .
23 Such improvements are taking place in Lancaster and elsewhere , and I have no doubt that they will continue to take place everywhere .
24 ‘ I am therefore issuing my second challenge to Michael Fallon : will he now withdraw his remarks and accept that real cuts are taking place in Darlington 's training provision or is he scared of the truth about training ? ’
25 I now challenge him to withdraw his remarks and accept real cuts are taking place in Darlington . ’
26 I now challenge him to withdraw his remarks and accept real cuts are taking place in Darlington . ’
27 But now BR chefs are winning friends in Europe by proving that our cuisine does travel well .
28 Egyptian officials , who scrupulously monitor parity with Israel on weapons procurement programmes financed by Washington , are making enquiries in Bonn to determine whether the proposed sale will go ahead .
29 The rave kings are playing shows in London , Manchester , Sheffield , Birmingham — and two in their Glasgow home town .
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