Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] [adv prt] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MARKETS in the Far East and Middle East are opening up for hi-tech heat-beating textile produced by Performance Fabrics .
2 CYCLING organisations in Wales are gearing up for National Bike Week , which begins on Saturday .
3 Today , more than 100 million Europeans are gearing up for this winter 's invasion of the ski-slopes .
4 ‘ Got to observe strict ARP , you see , Miss , though here we are gettin' on for five months of war and not a peep out of a Jerry plane .
5 Swindon have to fight on in the promotion race … while Oxford have to battle on in the relegation scramble … but things are looking up for United … they 're off the bottom of the table for the first time since November thanks to a win at Brighton
6 This applies also to the British Council , our arm of cultural diplomacy , which is facing unprecedented demands from the newly liberated countries which are looking out for English language teachers .
7 Secondly , you are looking out for minor defects which will cost you time and money — plumbing , heating redecoration , bathroom and kitchen fittings , replacement windows , floor finishes , insulation etc .
8 look it does n't matter now because we 're going out for some milk , here
9 But the point is what I 'm saying is if we could get that stuff there on Friday afternoon and get the the conveyor set to where you want 'em , because I do n't know what leads you want the lorry got there on Monday morning , wants unloading , and we 're flying about for damn leads , we we 're gon na be in trouble .
10 But go up to your room and get your bag packed for what you , ready for you 're not going straight to Leanne 's you 're coming back for half hour or so ?
11 ENTRIES are pouring in for one of the region 's biggest sponsored cycling events — the Tour de Tendring , which will be held on May 9 .
12 Just another form of the takeaway service some blacks are going in for these days .
13 Many of them enjoyed their work experience in Picardy so much they are going back for more in their summer holidays .
14 This leaves those who are holding out for more in a very unfavourable position .
15 Neither parents nor politicians are crying out for radical reform of the system .
16 Elsewhere , however , Everton are crying out for new talent .
17 so I 'm going in for twelve and finish for eight
18 I 'm going down for that job !
19 ‘ I 'm going down for another , ’ shouts Pa over the howl of the cleaner .
20 I said oh I feel I 'm going out for half an hour that 's all .
21 I just went through and said , " I 'm going out for some cigarettes , " and went out , and I 've never been back .
22 Well I 'm staying up for one more game
23 ‘ There are least three shops in Norwich I really like , and I tend to ring them in advance and say ‘ I 'm coming in for half an hour .
24 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
25 as colleagues who are involved will know is just about the only industry in the building materials sector that has n't made some kind of pay offer in this current round it 's very much bringing up the rear and we 're determined to use what industrial strength we have to change the employer 's stance otherwise we 're very concerned that the national negotiation missionary , this will be his death knell since we 'll have to resort to local pay bargaining , so the short answer is E C C er , will be balloted as far as the G M B is concerned union and , er , T & G are balloting in for industrial action to try to change the employers ' position .
26 For that very reason , the Government are standing up for British businesses and British services in Brussels as we want more jobs , not fewer .
27 ‘ But you are making up for that today , ’ said Dr Neil gravely , his mouth twitching , particularly when she looked at him , a question on her pretty face , her mouth being too full for further speech .
28 And this gentleman in West Yorkshire would certainly have the blessing of many if he carried out his idea : ‘ Having taken early retirement , I am casting about for some way to supplement my pension .
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