Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If these enhancements and/or modifications are recognized to be universally applicable , will carry out the necessary work and will bear the cost of this .
2 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
3 Abstracts are intended to be as concise as the nature of a particular topic being dealt with allows and not to be detailed rule-books dealing with every conceivable circumstance . ’
4 Though recent instruments like the new SZ zoom stereos are designed to be readily fitted to a range of different equipment there has been increasing demand in recent years for custom equipment and his has led to customer specific modular configurations for individual projects .
5 They are designed to be less restrictive than full safety helmets and are known as ‘ bump caps ’ .
6 These areas are specifically set apart for retail outlets ( both large and small ) and are designed to be as convenient and pleasant as possible for both customer and retailers .
7 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy .
8 Finally , Lowestoft members are reminded to be particularly polite to Marlene McGee , as she has been appointed to the Lowestoft bench of the Magistrates ' Court .
9 Much of the literature on women and education tends to make this kind of distinction , arguing both for greater equality of access for girls and for changes in what are claimed to be inherently sexist curricula and values put over in school .
10 The costs of its route are claimed to be about £2.5bn .
11 Child-safe paint : We have n't found any paints that are claimed to be totally lead-free , but the safe ‘ nursery paints ’ are within the strict British and European limits for the amount of lead permitted in child-safe paints .
12 Controlled term indexing languages are claimed to be more consistent and therefore more efficient , but the many tests on indexing languages have failed to prove this convincingly .
13 This financial year , they are expected to be just over £1 billion — about one half of 1 per cent .
14 Durham are expected to be even stronger this time and competition for places will be fierce .
15 The second band , with its very long progression of vibrational peaks , is assigned to both the quartet and doublet states formed by removal of an electron from the π u level , while the third and fourth bands are assigned respectively to the quartet and doublet states formed by removal of an electron from the level ; both levels are expected to be strongly bonding , as suggested by the lower vibration frequencies of the ions .
16 A small number of data transfer instructions will be provided , integrated with the computer 's dominant data-types , and making available only those transfer paths which are expected to be heavily used .
17 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60-day timescale for introduction at the launch .
18 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60 day timescale for introduction at the launch .
19 Even though the gap between clerical and lay religious intellectuals has closed , with clergy being left behind in some areas , the clerics remain the true cognoscenti in religious matters , and are expected to be so by the laity .
20 If you are tall you are expected to be more ‘ adult ’ and have more duties put upon you .
21 A further advantage of the new index investment trust is that dealings in its shares are expected to be more liquid than in the individual shares of many smaller companies .
22 If this view is held then it makes sense to borrow funds now at low rates to obviate the need for borrowing later , when funds are expected to be more expensive .
23 Trans-splicing introns are expected to be very resistant to intron-loss , because the correct replacement of genomic copies of trans-spliced genes can not be achieved by simple homologous recombination and should therefore be extremely rare .
24 Third , bureaucrats are expected to be politically committed rather than neutral as in the West .
25 Fuh-Q Charlie of Deathtongue and Sonny Pigg of the Mothers are expected to be out of the Reconstruction Wing of Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in time for their big Christmas ‘ Freak the World ’ concert at the Hollywood Bowl next month .
26 As in discourses of class , deviant subjects are expected to be less abstract and rational thinkers , and more emotional , sexual , and biologically determined .
27 Bitwise Designs Inc , New York signed a letter of intent to acquire Electrograph Systems Inc for 333,333 shares of Bitwise common : the combined annual revenues of the two are expected to be about $12m .
28 The combined payments for March 1993 and June 1993 are expected to be about £9m , a more than 50% increase over the payment in March 1992 .
29 In future , the primary rental will be abolished , and the new costs of maintaining their own transmission systems plus paying for the licence are expected to be considerably less expensive .
30 So dead bodies are hygienically whisked away by undertakers within a very short ti me of the person dying , funerals are conducted in twenty minutes at a busy crematorium with a bizarre queue of other funerals waiting in an approach way , and grieving people are expected to be back at their employment in as short a time as possible .
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