Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 We hope that when the others are erected that they will consider themselves left out and perhaps join in .
2 Yeah , I would just like to add something to that , and the fact that it 's not only that women , that , that men are taught that they can rape and they can abuse women , but er that it 's alright !
3 We are taught that we should not love ourselves — that self-love is conceited , vain or selfish — and obediently , we learn to dislike and criticise ourselves .
4 Pupils are reminded that they should have all books , calculators , kit etc named and that they should not leave their bags near the Vennel Gate .
5 All teachers who qualified in 1981 and 1982 are reminded that they will be introduced as a group at the Reunion in November .
6 The purpose of John 's Gospel is clearly set out : Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples , which are not written in his book ; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God , and that believing you may have life in his name . "
7 I take it you 're agreed that we ought to go on expanding our hotel interests , right ?
8 Again one could draw as it were a sort of a picture of erm one 's true self as a sort of largish lump , er much of which was the body and then within this smaller portion which is the soul , and within that a still smaller portion which is the mind , and then in all of us there is present to us the one , and we 're told that we ought to think about our body , that it is not our true self .
9 I am bothered that it will never be as underground as when it first started . ’
10 It appears that the next stage is to look for suitable sites and I am told that you will be able to provide us with a large scale map of the area for this purpose .
11 I light a stick of sage and run through the flat with it , as I am told that it will dismember the evil spirits , like an exterminator murders termites and then removes them .
12 I think it 's absolutely essential that West and North , and those bits of North that join West and are equally deprived , like Ardoyne , Oldpark , Duncairn , should be classified as an area of special economic assistance , special IDB support , special funding to ensure that whatever jobs are about when industrialists do appear here from the Koreas , the Japans , the West Germanys and wherever else , that they are taken in here and are told that they would get 10 , 15 , 20% extra for coming in here .
13 We are told that he could pray in both Frankish and Latin , which was of course the official church language , although this reflects his facility with languages in general rather than any excess of devotion .
14 First you are told that you can take as long as you like to put the counters in the jar .
15 to do it , and it starts a lot earlier , it starts when you 're at school and the fact that that women are told that you can do , like home economics an , and sewing and all that , and then they 're not encouraged to go into engineering courses .
16 Even today , we are told that it would cost the Inland Revenue about £250 million , because of the reduction in customs barriers .
17 Thus , nurses are persuaded that they must put organisational goals such as the welfare of the patients before individual and group goals .
18 Trying to look positively at the situation , could I suggest that in future , passengers are advised/warned that they will need separate tickets if there is a possibility of them returning separately .
19 So far the museum has raised about half the amount and fingers are crossed that they can find the rest before June .
20 ‘ Mr Jones , I 'm honoured that you should choose me , but I do feel there are others far more suited to take on the responsibility , people who 've worked in radio far longer than I have . ’
21 I HAVE recently become a vegetarian but am worried because I 'm told that I might be missing out on iron in my diet ?
22 ‘ Silver , ’ he said , ‘ you 're a scoundrel and a murderer , but I 'm told that I must save you from the law . ’
23 ‘ I 'm told that he may still have been alive when the murderer , or murderers , hammered the shaft through his neck and into the floor of the hut .
24 The SARU are determined that they shall not be pushed into premature agreement with the other bodies just for the sake of becoming part of the international fold .
25 The Councils of the Institute and Faculty are determined that we should strive to achieve even more influence within our areas of expertise and this will call for ever greater involvement of our current and future members in these areas both in the UK and overseas , particularly Europe .
26 As my hon. Friend says , inflation is low and we are determined that it will stay low .
27 We are determined that it will remain on the statute book for use if and when it is necessary to be used . ’
28 I am assured that you will be well looked after , ’ he reiterated .
29 What computer systems do you use , what software runs on them and what files are created that you will need to bring into your documents ?
30 Continually adepts are warned that they must not strain themselves or try to experience these unnatural things .
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