Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [adv] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Final output targets are determined at the outset and input requirements are calculated precisely for each stage of manufacturing , including those bought from outside subcontractors .
2 Where a Master 's degree course is paired with one for a Diploma , students are registered concurrently for both qualifications .
3 These manuals are intended only for those people closely involved in setting up and managing a LIFESPAN system .
4 It then assumes a parliamentary intention that the steps which Parliament has enjoined or authorized for saving or minimizing tax shall not be effective if they are carried out for that purpose but are only to be effective if carried out for some other ‘ legitimate ’ business purpose .
5 Information seminars are organised regularly for those wishing to visit the College and attend a presentation on the MBA through Distance Learning Programme .
6 The results of the survey are reported firstly for all Oxfordshire teachers combined , then , where the differences are statistically significant , for different subgroups of teachers as thus defined .
7 Thus , results are presented independently for each probe .
8 These pages are written mostly for those who think they may wish to become qualified as a lawyer .
9 The concept of the provings : the way in which the drug pictures are built up for each remedy .
10 Over the years I have discovered that the subjects I enjoy doing most of all are not far from my home ; my garden , conservatory , figures usually doing something , are my favourites and my family and friends are commandeered regularly for this purpose .
11 Energy can never be destroyed and our energy imprints are preserved technically for all eternity , along with the imprints of other people who have been in close proximity .
12 Both the input required setting , and the sensor , are sampled once for each cycle .
13 The literacy programme has been linked with agricultural training whose leaflets and bulletins are produced specifically for those who are recently literate .
14 Present employment law restricts the effect of such a covenant in a service agreement , but if inserted in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement , it is more likely to be enforceable. ( 3 ) The service agreement will be for a fixed term so that the managers are locked in for that period .
15 The manufacturers defend the practice saying that the rabbits are anesthetized for the shootings and that ‘ they are raised specifically for this purpose ’ .
16 Responsible to the General Officer Commanding the Military District , their task is to ensure the required catering services are provided daily for some 12,000 Regular and 11,000 Territorial Army soldiers throughout the north-east of England .
17 Thereafter , it is slightly intimidating when subjects are set down for each day 's debate , and we feel a little restricted in moving beyond the sphere of the Ministers on the Front Bench .
18 The Moi University course offers problem-based learning , relatively few lectures , early patient contact , and a strong bias towards experience in the community ( 8 weeks of every year are set aside for this ) .
19 Organizations are thus conceived of as purposive social arrangements , as stable social groups with internally differentiated roles that are brought together for some purpose .
20 Certain requirements are laid down for these various legislative measures , some in the Treaty itself and others in instruments of lower rank .
21 In addition rituals and procedures are laid down for those who have for a variety of reasons become ‘ unclean ’ , and so have become cut off from the rest of the community .
22 Schools actually place orders on the showroom visits and are invoiced directly for these .
23 The riders are contracted separately for each event and live on appearance money — there is no prize-money as such .
24 As records are created online for both existing holdings and new titles received in the Library Periodicals Unit staff will make use of the VTLS Serials control module for recording issues , on receipt , in the online system .
25 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
26 it be known then for that squad just to go right through the gambit and become a fully fledged riveter 's squad and work for their days as a squad ?
27 Desserts are suggested especially for each of the four weeks of Stage II , as there are more specific requirements for these weeks .
28 The aphakic eye is unable to change its focus , so bifocal spectacles are required even for those with contact lenses .
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