Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately all eyes are elsewhere and no-one seems to notice .
2 You show grandma what a big boy you are tonight and you talk to her nicely on the phone and you
3 If you 're , if you 're outside and you get really cold what do you do ?
4 ‘ However , you 're here and I know you have a key . ’
5 Next time you 're outdoors and you spot a caterpillar , watch how it uses its legs and mouth to eat whole leaves systematically , strip by strip .
6 But there are many cases where the merging of meanings are more and we have to be on our guard .
7 The Poles were almost as keen to get foreign currency then as they are now and they allowed certain visits to relatives . ’
8 ‘ You mean you were sitting where you are now and you told the glass to topple over and it did ? ’
9 eleven forty six , he 's got them inside , I think I told you about this did n't I ? , and I was inside helping them out like , he was outside , he did n't have his gas mask , we were doing the things , like M B C stuff , and I 'm inside and he said right you will each go to a post , where inside this tent , each to go to er , erm , cos there was six people inside and like there was six posts , he said you each got to a post inside the tent and on the you will pick up the tent , and I new what was coming , done it before sort of thing and erm , were all in M B C stuff cos there 's still lots of gas , but there was n't for very long , and he said right on the you will , er he just said , we picked it up right , were all fucking all fucking I said go on then ,
10 she says like er she says you know Jean she says well I just sat there and she says I 'm away and I went over she says because it was her
11 ‘ Well , now that I 'm here and you 've apparently succeeded in your nasty little ploy , where do I sleep ? ’
12 No , I ca n't say I like any of these jobs — I do them because they 've got to be done : I 'm here and I 've got to do them ( all said in a dragging monotone ) .
13 Now I 'm here and I have a place too and nothing 's going to change that .
14 And I make sure that I 'm here and I open up for them , and I make them a cup of tea .
15 ‘ Then one night Hugo and Jebb ( The Mouse 's twanging Boothby twins ) went there for a quiet beer and the DJ was going , ‘ I 've heard that a couple of Jacob 's Mouse are here and I want to tell them to get off their high horse and come down to play here .
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