Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The chief candidates for this distinction are most certainly the higher primates , and of them perhaps more especially the near relatives of man , the chimpanzee and gorilla .
2 In the UK , these are most typically the nationalized industries .
3 It began in fact with what are perhaps still the best crime short stories to be found ; the tales of Sherlock Holmes .
4 Strange that this bird sits there and sings While we must only sit and plan Who are so much the higher things — The murder of our fellow man …
5 Like a horse and carriage , love and marriage do go together ; but selfishness and self-seeking and the anger generated by violated sensitivities and unmet needs are so often the outer evidence of an increasing inner barrenness .
6 Women are not like that ; or at least , the details , the weaknesses they dwell on in narration are only rarely the physical ones that men delight in .
7 ‘ Let's face it , the Olympics are only once every four years and I want to stay on until the end . ’
8 There are only about a hundred made
9 Such structures are generally therefore an integral part of the domestic and workshop accommodation available in all the small towns .
10 But the change will further enhance the power of companies ' sponsoring brokers , who are already frequently the only analysts providing research on these illiquid shares .
11 There are already about a dozen people with presidential ambitions .
12 There are just over a million one-parent families , including those of single mothers , single fathers and widowed or separated mothers .
13 There are just over a million one-parent families — one in seven of all families with dependent children .
14 Found only in China , there are just over a thousand left living in the wild .
15 There are just about the right number of ladies to infuriate the right-thinking and to make effective use of primary colours as highlight and contrast ; Kate Hoey in lime , Gillian Shephard in vivid egg custard , Alice Mahon in a fetching cerise , Glenda Jackson in a decent , sombre , high-necked red , Margaret Beckett , that oldtime leftist , even had a floor-cross royal blue .
16 ‘ On complex issues , Cabinet committees are just about the worst possible way of arriving at sensible decisions … .
17 The two industrial giants are separately probably the two largest buyers of personal computers in corporate America , and in alliance could drive the prices they get to below cost ; the proposed alliance would also set stricter terms on speed of delivery and on quality of service .
18 And it 's al you always think , it 's a real anti-climax because you , you 've made so much thing about getting ready and getting there and when you when you do finally arrive there you 're just exactly the same as the million others .
19 I think the other feature of the system is — and I think people generally do n't realize what a remarkable it is — we 're just about the only country in the world that has this system , and we are remarkably successful in involving ordinary members of the community in the administration of justice , both in our lay magistrates system and in our jury system .
20 You 're just about the same height
21 Above the eyes yeah , we 're still quite a few of these short are n't we ?
22 I mean suddenly we had the example of a women 's support group from the miner 's strike th that we had the idea you know fr from that erm and Yona really put it in a nutshell when she said I think er er you know behind closed doors the women worrying about what was gon na happen next you know they felt very frustrated and in a way it was a way to channel o our energies away i i i it was seen as that really in the beginning you know as a a sort of a more as a way of getting rid of the well y you know the sort of desperation er the impotence one felt of not being able to do anything in this situation and it 's er and by now of course we 've all become as a group very close er you know we 're we 're more like a big family now really an sort of er a lot of the women have never really sort of regularly been to meetings an th the commitment there is very strong really that we all turn up to our Tuesday meetings sort of .
23 I think that the skills and interest we develop in our young graduates these days are very much wider ranging and they 're reflected into the great variety of jobs into which you go , and erm frequently in talking to young people about geography I 'm at pains to say well we 're really rather a useless subject , but we do give insights into a lot of sorts of problems and erm these lead in many directions .
24 ‘ We 're almost exactly the same age — his birthday is six months after mine — and we see each other at least once a week for lunch .
25 They 're almost exactly the same as you were four weeks ago .
26 Does a bit to the best of my ability but er they 're there just the same .
27 And on a more le local level you 're quite right the better trained people there are , the more they , the happier they feel the more work they have , the more job satisfaction they have .
28 Now with our Women 's Office , foreigners can see we 're no longer a backward country .
29 They 're very often no more or less than the exact truth .
30 These may vary a little in size and construction , and individual weavers may have several slightly different versions of each , but they are always basically the same .
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