Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adv] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , increasing specialisation and complexity has meant that not all issues can be easily addressed by local councillors who are necessarily extraordinarily busy people by definition .
2 Herod and all bullies everywhere are basically very weak people who get tough partly to try to hide their weakness .
3 ‘ You are so much wiser than.your years , my dear , ’ Miss Honey went on , ‘ that it quite staggers me .
4 In a sense , experimental subjects are only partially real people .
5 There are only so many people you can watch jumping up and down , and only so many slogans you can be bombarded with before the brain goes into defensive shutdown .
6 With a price of $25,000 there are only so many people who can afford the latter !
7 In fact there are only about three species of tree in the rainforest that have been definitely aged , in terms of their lifespan .
8 They are generally very intelligent people but intelligent ’ , Tocqueville added , ‘ in the American way . ’
9 Elsewhere , Highlands and Islands Enterprise ( HIE ) estimates there are already over 200 people teleworking in the region .
10 As I have said , the thing is we are just totally different people .
11 Clearly we have to find some way of using these data without assuming that rats , for example , are just very small people .
12 I think those are perhaps the hardest cases , where the parents are not able to cope because they just can not cope , they are subnormal , and you ca n't in any way say that they are to blame , they 're just totally inadequate people .
13 What we 're trying to do is say look , you are senior people in this company because although you 've only been here a short period of time , but you 're still very senior people .
14 We 're both highly independent people .
15 Journalists on the whole are fairly lazy people , they 're also fairly pressured people , if you give them something which they can virtually print verbatim , they will be enormously happy people and you will increase your chances of actually hitting the news .
16 ‘ Actually , ’ he went on , ‘ these eidetikers are usually terribly ordinary people , unimaginative in the extreme , hmmm ? ’
17 Like Champion tops are usually about sixty quid and this was twenty .
18 The modern steam locomotives , used until they were superseded by diesel , were perhaps ten percent efficient , and the reason that steam went out and diesel was introduced was because diesel engines are more nearly forty percent efficient .
19 One can be both part of the international abstract art and some of his work is abstract , and even in that context bring into it qualities that once one knows the idiom people can recognize as purely English and one can also , at the same time as he was much of the time , be a figurative artist that do landscapes , interiors , figure paintings ( rarely ) , and figure drawings of a very high quality , and again they are partly of an international modern and they are partly essentially English works .
20 It is apparent , from the history given in the affidavits , that the appellants are both very experienced people in business .
21 There are also about 65 staff inspectors based at the DES who have national responsibilities for particular areas of the curriculum or aspects of education , such as maths teaching or special educational needs .
22 They are also very confident people with a secure sense of their own identity , and are able to resist the various pressures brought to bear on them by friends , relatives and society .
23 The literature further suggests that transracial adopters are often very self-confident people with a resilience to stress .
24 Here there are often too many people ( not too\few ) but safety does not lie in numbers , as we saw in the Champs-Elysées story .
25 " You Americans are really very nice people . "
26 ‘ There are far too many media people and they are getting in the way of everyone else .
27 There are far too many people looking into the mind of the murderer and not at the agony of mind of the relations of the murdered person .
28 There are far too many people looking into the minds of the Teddy cosh-boys and not into the minds of the old ladies who have been coshed .
29 The next characteristic of a switching-off organization is that there are far too many people and far too many layers so that each employee feels that he has little or no headroom .
30 There are far too many people dabbling in sales promotion , ’ says the consultancy 's director , Andrew Ryan .
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