Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adj] that a " in BNC.

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1 We are keenly aware that a University can seem a large and forbidding place to those on the outside .
2 When these " giant " blastocysts have expanded they are sufficiently large that a razor blade , scalpel or sharp glass needle can be used under a dissecting microscope to sever the mural TE from the other pole of the blastocyst containing ICM and polar TE ( 32 ) .
3 In some cases , preferences are relatively weak , so that two ordered results are produced ; in others , the preferences are so strong that a second result is not produced .
4 Already losses in fibre are so low that a light signal can travel well over 16 km before it halves in intensity ( a 3 dB loss ) .
5 As many as one in five of the population attends an accident and emergency unit every year , yet staff shortages are so acute that a quarter of the 239 units in England and Wales do not have a trained consultant in charge .
6 You see , Chris the Stuffer 's deep freezes are so full that a while back , I promised him I would take the overflow .
7 Things are so bad that a special course has been set up to train young hopefuls , and maybe reverse the trend .
8 Hello , I am just horrified that a young woman who wanted children presumably , can make such a damn fuss , I really am .
9 You 're quite right that a number of er statements are coming out which , which do really give give erm legitimacy to this kind of violence bu bu but basically the violence is still being created or led by the poor in their attempt to , to get more .
10 Much more to the point , lawyers are always aware that a big aircraft accident inquiry is the preliminary to much subsequent civil litigation , and that if they can persuade the court to a point of view favourable to their client they can be paving the way to considerable financial benefit at a later stage .
11 But they are more amazed that a British lawyer George Taylor , founder of the World Organisation for the Abolition of Golf , should write to another significant politician , namely Mikhail Gorbachev .
12 When the seaman Peters , a thief and later a mutineer , protests against the commuting of the death sentence to the disgrace of being flogged round the fleet , Marryat as author finds it a matter for critical comment that the members of the court-martial are clearly surprised that a mere seaman should act from a sense of honour :
13 courses are also such that a substantial number of candidates never make the grade .
14 The companies are also concerned that a vendor-neutral entity have ‘ ownership of source interface and binary interface specifications , ’ he said .
15 The women 's organizations are now confident that a unified representative body will be formed and that as a consequence , both their work to incorporate more women into the movement for social justice and a popular democratic government and their work in favour of women 's rights will be greatly strengthened .
16 And some villagers are now worried that a much-loved river may never flow again .
17 I 'm just sorry that a few more people
18 ‘ The truth is , my darling husband , I 'm almost sure that a baby is on the horizon — rather sooner than you think !
19 Now , getting back to the comment the woman made earlier about men being misogynist within their own world I 'm quite convinced that a good deal of those men would go home to their wives and family and be very loving to their , to their wives and family , be respectful of their neighbours but as soon as they got in the all male environment , and this woman was there to be used , she was their property for the time that they paid their money to get through the door , they could be as misogynist , offensive and horrid as they wanted to be !
20 And I 'm quite sure that a major factor in their recovery is going to be knowing that their children are happy , and being well cared for . ’
21 I 'm absolutely sure that a chat with him would help you .
22 I am increasingly convinced that a comprehensive test ban would be a big step to take in curbing proliferation .
23 Governments are well aware that a cycle of economic activity can be very advantageous provided it can be synchronized with the electoral cycle , so that booms occur at election times and recessions at non-election times .
24 They are well aware that a hooligan element scarred Leeds ' last European match in Paris in 1974 — also against German opposition .
25 Though the sound of solo voice with choral accompaniment can be very beautiful , composers have largely failed to exploit this resource , possibly because they are well aware that a good solo voice may not always be available .
26 I think that 's very important and I think it 's , there 's er actually , I have to say er I detect in 's letter because I am quite sure that a year ago she would have questioned the parish council 's existence , and indeed she 's being , erm , to my perception , highly critical of er the fact that the parish council has even dared to sort of taste the oxygen outside their own homes .
27 We are gravely worried that a series of accidents seem to have taken place in which trains simply run into each other .
28 ‘ Of course I 'm not a medical man , ’ he went on , ‘ but I am absolutely convinced that a lot of mental ill-health springs from not having enough to do . ’
29 He concludes : ‘ I am very sad that a friend can only write to another friend through a third country because of the border that separates us . ’
30 She said : ‘ I am very concerned that a number of HM Customs and Excise staff are now employed in arresting those making illegal sales of wine , beer and other personal imports at car boot sales at weekends .
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