Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adj] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 WOUNDED but still doggedly alive , Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton is lurching remorselessly towards the Democratic presidential nomination — to the delight of White House strategists who are mostly convinced he will be a wonderfully bloodied candidate for President Bush to beat up and kill off in the autumn .
2 IF YOU ARE sufficiently distinguished you may well be lucky enough to be invited to address the prestige conference Advances in Fermentation ‘ 83 to be held in September .
3 I am so sorry I could not revert to the ‘ phone at the very moment you rang on Thursday .
4 I am so ignorant I ca n't bear it ! ’
5 Now I do n't care what people say : at times I look at the child and I am so happy I ca n't sleep at night .
6 I am so angry I can hardly write [ it began , and there was ample evidence in the shaping of the letters that this was indeed so ] .
7 A Scottish scientist named six breeds which are so powerful they can kill in seconds , including other breeds which I ca n't remember off-hand .
8 It sounds obvious but some drawings of birds are so odd you 'd have difficulty identifying even a bluetit from them .
9 Distinctively tinted , the aromatics are so strong you could confuse it with cologne as it glugs out of the bottle ; there is almost a lavendery quality .
10 It is so aerodynamically perfect and the down forces are so strong it could travel upside down across your ceiling at 150mph without falling off .
11 And the characters are so stupid you can laugh at them . ’
12 C H SPURGEON remarked : some ministers would make good martyrs — they are so dry they would burn well
13 Nurses you care for , sisters who never tire , doctors who are so tired they can hardly focus , consultants who hand out hope , pharmacists who hand out dope .
14 ‘ They are so grotesque I can scarcely bring myself to touch them , ’ says Carey .
15 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
16 ‘ What is this document these two are so anxious you should sign ? ’
17 Some are so cunning they can knock a bait off the hook with their tails and then take it almost in one movement .
18 It proved so effective that Wedgwood 's QC suddenly threw down the gauntlet to those he had continually derided as the ‘ united aesthetes ’ saying , ‘ If you are so sure you can save this building , buy it yourselves for £1 . ’
19 Some warrens are so extensive they can range over as much as 50 acres or take in a complete gravel working .
20 HUNDREDS of swimming pools are so dirty you could end up with a rash or tummy bug , health chiefs cautioned yesterday .
21 Forest soils are so poor they ca n't support more than two or three seasons ' crops .
22 His muscles are so wasted his arms are bent double across his chest , his legs are so twisted they would have to be broken to straighten them .
23 Then there are times when conditions are so ideal you would almost expect to catch fish on a baitless hook , but the net remains idle .
24 Intel needs to do some stroking among this class of customer even though Intel defenders claim the P5 schematics designers are using in the absence of silicon are so exact they should have little trouble getting up and running and out the door once the chips are delivered .
25 When we see her we are so afraid she might get run over or lost . ’
26 Once there they gorge themselves until they are so bloated they can hardly take off .
27 Mine , mine was mine was erm if you 've got screw contacts on it , mine have well to say that these er these switches are so unreliable you 'd expect it to be erm
28 A ball sliced or hooked will be exaggerated by the wind , so if you are generally inaccurate you must be aware of this .
29 ‘ They gave me no specific reason why they stopped me and I am just worried they could stop any innocent people , ’ he said .
30 If you are already pregnant you must not be given German Measles vaccine .
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