Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Accruing depreciation , stock valuations , provisions for doubtful debts , etc. , are subjective judgements which make historic cost profit subjective .
2 There are private companies who specialize in these services and who , incidentally , also have dedicated people working for them .
3 Nearly two thirds of the EOE 's clients are private investors who account for about half of the trading volume .
4 These are mini hobs which have only two heating areas , so you can put several together to combine gas , ceramic , halogen or sealed hotplates .
5 Thing is though it 's not that I really care about him personally , you know it 's not that I 'm thinking oh it 's a real shame , but it 's just , and usually if , if people are complete dicks I think well er you know , sod them
6 Humans are emotional beings who excel at misunderstanding computers .
7 Our ancient woodland , Craig Gock , with impressive oak and beech , is rich in wildlife and from the commons above there are panoramic views which unveil the true beauty of the area .
8 The legal status of shares is well established and understood and there are specific conditions which have to be satisfied if any payment is made in respect of them .
9 And that if such openings ensue that there are supportive rituals which allow us to engage in them without offence and terminate them without insult .
10 Geographically , Vietnam and Cuba are remote from the Soviet Union , and their ruling élites are cohesive entities which have come to power through their own efforts .
11 Sometimes the relation between brothers-in-law is asymmetrical like that between elder brother and younger brother and sometimes affinity itself is asymmetrical so that the categories " wife-givers " and " wife-takers " are distinct ; but these are technical matters which lie outside the scope of the present discussion .
12 I mean there are broad categories you see in a sense .
13 Although [ 8 ] - [ 11 ] are broadly referentially equivalent , in the sense that they " tell the same story " , there are subtle differences which invest them with different stylistic values .
14 One is to say that there are subtle differences which explain alleged inconsistencies , as for example between banning experiments altogether or after 14 days yet allowing later abortions .
15 This prediction fails because all of us , humans and animals , are subtle creatures who react to overall situations .
16 Beneath all these particular situations there are conflicting values which claim the law 's attention .
17 But even in the case of such an Act , if there are superadded provisions which attach to non-payment consequences other than a bare liability to be sued , there can be no justification for refusing to have regard to those consequences and to consider whether the existence of the provisions creating them has placed the payer under such pressure that the payments have not in truth been voluntary .
18 There have been few attempts to show this , but Barry Cunliffe 's diagram of Chalton settlements and the series of changes shown for Bullock Down in Sussex are interesting analyses which deserve to be emulated .
19 But some commentators believe that it may also be because , unlike other cartel kingpins , Escobar and Rodriguez Gacha are social upstarts who have clawed their way out of the gutter .
20 Personal competence — employees are highly ‘ mature ’ , i.e. they are high achievers who take responsibility for results .
21 Then , in 1856 , the Empress Eugénie , well suited for the work of conciliation as the Spanish wife of the French Emperor , arranged a treaty whereby the territory was recognized as Spanish but was rented out perpetually to the inhabitants on the French side ; so these are French citizens who farm in Spain .
22 It seems obvious enough that ‘ language teachers ’ — the phrase used by foreign language teachers to describe themselves — need to know about ‘ language ’ but if we rephrase the formulation what we in fact have are French teachers who speak French , German teachers who speak German and so on .
23 Neutrinos are elusive particles which interact with matter so rarely that large bodies of material are often needed to detect them .
24 But it is vital to start the financial management debate with knowledge of the business you are in and not to presume that there are universal systems which suit every circumstance .
25 In the first place , there are universal factors which contribute powerfully , in almost all cases , though in different measure ( see Brubaker , 1992 ) , to the formation of a sense of nationality : common descent ( that is , the idea of belonging to a distinctive ‘ people ’ ) , the occupation of a definite territory , a common language , and more broadly a common culture .
26 ‘ Most of them are 16-year-old Kiwis who have n't an idea how to pull a decent pint of Guinness . ’
27 Sadly , there are distinguished theologians who try and persuade their readers otherwise .
28 Some have suggested that there are daily rhythms which mirror those of mental performance but which are not as difficult to measure or as prone to interference , and they come up with old standbys , body temperature and adrenalin .
29 Strictly speaking , these are alcoholic drinks which contain anything from 2% to 40% alcohol .
30 They are primitive molluscs which have a curious segmented shell .
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