Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Chancellor Kohl said he would prefer the December inter-governmental conference to be held after the West German election , Mrs Thatcher intervened and said : ‘ But Mr Chancellor , my elections are due the following year . ’
2 When Chancellor Kohl said he would prefer the inter-governmental conference to be held after the West German election , Mrs Thatcher said : ‘ But Mr Chancellor , my elections are due the following year . ’
3 You are due the grateful thanks of the entire Catholic Community which , as you know , is very appreciative of their priests .
4 Though the weapons and equipment are constantly modernised ( the Micks got the new design of helmets two years ago , the new rifles last year , and we are due the new webbing next year ) , Napoleon 's generals would still have recognised the discipline and aggression , as would the Kaiser 's , and Hitler 's .
5 I am sorry The Mozartean Players omit the repeat in the first movement of K542 , which is one of Mozart 's best Trios ' especially since there is plenty of room for it on the disc .
6 I am afraid the latter-day Pop artists think of themselves as being a culmination of the expression of cultural realism and they regard what happened in the Sixties as a primitive expression of their more developed ideas , which seems to me far from the truth .
7 I am afraid the above formulae are wrong because our new solenoids do n't look the same as the old one .
8 We 're anti the proposed Rockhill site .
9 And once you 're married a little bit of complacency settles in and your membership is not quite so well served , but what you 've got to remember is that whilst you 're busy losing interest , somebody else is always interested in your partner or your member , so when , I 'll rephrase that I 'll rephrase that .
10 ‘ My sweet love , you 're tired a great deal too often .
11 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
12 John and so far so far as you 're concerned the local people are not going to get that public inquiry are they ?
13 Sooner or later and if not sooner , further references to the European Court are likely a definite decision will have to be made .
14 If I am lucky a red fire-boat may come storming up from its station on the Grand Canal .
15 But Price Waterhouse say they are confident the original directors can run Dale at a profit .
16 Africa is just one of many causes in need of cash … but charity leaders are confident the British public still have money to give .
17 If results are negative a rapid test should be performed during labour .
18 The Schoenberg is played in a disappointingly literal fashion , and if all the notes are present a poor recording balance tends to obliterate important contrapuntal strands , particularly in the first piece .
19 Although the erosions caused by individual parasites may be slight , when large numbers are present a desquamative enteritis may result .
20 There they cause an enteritis which is usually catarrhal , but in very heavy infections the adult worms are tolerated without clinical signs , but when considerable numbers are present the large size of these worms may cause intestinal occlusion and death .
21 But no matter how great the differences are between the various views about the way the BBC should go , I am sure a great deal unites us .
22 The England boss is too much of a diplomat and never gives a clue to his plans , but I am sure a no-nonsense chap like you will not fudge the issue .
23 I am sure a large number of our readers will have been aware of the advertising and inserts for The Modern Amateur Electronics Manual , previously available from WEKA Publishing , and advertised extensively in a wide range of hobbyist and technical media .
24 I am sure the warm affinities between Scots and Jews arise out of appreciation of herrings .
25 I think we have gone in at a very sensible price , and I am sure the other contractors did .
26 ‘ I am sure the new owner will be pleased with the arrangement that ACL has in Liverpool and the option to continue this favourable contract if they so wish . ’
27 I am sure the Servite fathers had given their consent for this , although not one of them came themselves .
28 ‘ I am sure the Botanic Centre will be a great success , ’ said Mr Parsons .
29 Belvoir does n't have a large membership and I am sure the Open Day will soon change that .
30 It is all very well to say , as I am sure the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) will say — because it is what British Rail has said for months — that the great majority of passengers coming into King 's Cross on the channel tunnel trains will go to further destinations by public transport , but there will also be many hundreds of thousands of passengers in a year who will want to be met by friends in cars , who will want to get on to coaches if they are in large parties or who will want to take taxis .
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