Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surface pumps are preferable for some water gardens , especially where a relatively high ‘ head ’ of water is necessary , this ‘ head ’ being the vertical distance between water level and the highest point of discharge .
2 Because you are alert to that possibility , you will already be expressing your thoughts in a direct way .
3 From the moment you first suspect you 're pregnant , you are alert to each change in your body and the way you feel .
4 We are sorry for any misunderstanding or embarrassment this caused to James Capel and to the banks .
5 But never forget that He will forgive those who are sorry for any evil they have done .
6 Some Christian women are dissatisfied with this route to equality through male generic neutrality .
7 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
8 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
9 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
10 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
11 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
12 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
13 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
14 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
15 This will avoid wasting everybody 's time if the job , the candidate or the company are unsuitable for each other .
16 It is pointed out that whilst derivative instruments can be used for the management of investment risk , some investments are unsuitable for many investors .
17 The first part of the puzzle is resolved by recalling that only free neutrons decay ; the ones locked up in atomic nuclei are stable on any timescale comparable with the age of the Universe ( about 15 billion years ) although they may remain stable for ‘ only ’ about 10 years overall .
18 In chapter four the " turnyng til Jhesu " from all worldly things ( 94.2 ) is like the " insuperabel " love , while the second degree , " inseperabel " relates to the injunction to remember that all time is lost which is not God-centred and to contemplate the joy of those who are stable in this love until death ( 95.38f . ) .
19 As is often the case in this sort of situation , both sides are right to some degree .
20 Although some of these fish are persistent in this action , in my experience many grow out of it as they mature .
21 One reason why women are under-represented in this area is undoubtedly that the sociology of deviance has , until recently , concentrated specifically on criminal behaviour .
22 Gift exchange will still be necessary if the rights and duties which are inherent in such relationships are to be activated , but the nature of the exchange will be quite different from that which validates the impermanent relationships in my two right-hand columns .
23 The most amusing commentary on the limitations which are inherent in this type of research , however , is perhaps that enshrined in the Indonesian concept of a ‘ statistical Muslim ’ ( or Islam statistique ) , a person who , while not actively practising the faith , so records his identity for census and other purposes .
24 Round Table Day is made for Table and Table only and has all the best features which are inherent in this movement .
25 The courts recognise these limitations , which are inherent in any system of taking evidence abroad ahead of the trial , but can not regard them as a sufficient objection to the making of the order .
26 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
27 ‘ You are strange to these parts though you were born near here , for Wrath is not so many miles to the north .
28 All general projects of redressement — ‘ putting right ’ or straightening out , but the French is somehow more apt — are political in that sense , and run immediately into the difficulty that Britain possesses neither a constitution nor a state machine adapted to them .
29 What I have argued so far is that the Situationists are ill-served by these publications , and that this is partly due to the influence of a certain pessimism which haunts contemporary cultural politics .
30 For many of us there are the added problems of the other commitments that are normal at this time of our lives .
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