Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This makes allowance for installing heaters in the gallery area which we are due to take back in hand at the end of September .
2 Their questions are due to go on throughout Wednesday with other objecting organisations and individuals starting their cross-examination on Thursday .
3 Fares in other regions are due to go up in May .
4 The following are due to line up at Cleveland Park : Sumner , Les Collins ( Edinburgh ) , Wayne Carter ( Wolverhampton ) , Carl Stonehewer ( Belle Vue ) , Peter Carr ( Sheffield ) , Neville Tatum ( Eastbourne ) , Neil Evitts ( Sheffield ) , Nathan Simpson ( Eastbourne ) , Paul Bentley ( Coventry ) , Andy Phillips ( Poole ) , Scott Robson , Scott Lamb , David Blackburn , David Walsh ( all Berwick ) , Paul Whittaker ( Peterborough ) , Kenny McKinna ( Edinburgh . )
5 The family are due to fly out to America shortly .
6 Erm , so erm erm and that is the day that erm er both mum and Marion are due to fly off to Oz .
7 If you are prepared to splash out on costs Sunsail can organise your event in the Caribbean , Mediterranean or Thailand .
8 Scientists at the Met Office are prepared to go along with the US plan .
9 ‘ The letters are the firms , the numbers are the prices in pence of a typical Alpha stock and the volumes they are prepared to deal in at a particular time .
10 Picnickers explain that they are prepared to carry on in spite of the odds .
11 Such aggression could be very disturbing to young workers submitting their first paper , although experienced researchers are used to it and it seems to be something which most people are prepared to put up with .
12 Bricks , old tiles , new tiles , quarry tiles , Mexican , French or Spanish tiles , ceramic tiles , slate and even marble facing all look spectacular — provided , of course , that you are prepared to put up with the clattering noise from chairs being pulled up to the table and pushed back .
13 The more hard work you are prepared to put in during these 12 months , whether this applies directly to your job , a personal ambition , a family matter or a relationship , the better set up you will be for 1994 .
14 The question that Englishmen yes , and Englishwomen must decide is whether or not they are prepared to knuckle under to the unspeakable creep Mathews , the demented McLachlan and the absurd Bottomley .
15 If you are prepared to tie up at least £1,000 for two years the National & Provincial has launched Security Bond III which currently pays 11.75 per cent net .
16 Make it absolutely clear , as I did , that you are prepared to fight back at any time of the day or night no matter how painful it may be ; and that you will keep on fighting until the day you finally beat them .
17 WHAT WE ‘ post ’ feminists need are more men like Tony who are prepared to stand up in their men 's self-help groups — instead of wasting space on the semen-stained women 's page — and acknowledge together that they are basically ‘ sacks of scum ’ .
18 The long-term aim is to develop a network of groups and individuals who are prepared to speak out for democratic rights .
19 Costs do rise , as you are careful to point out at the start of the feature , but there can be no excuse for the blatant abuse of the costings given .
20 It is here that psychoanalysis has had its most popular appeal , seeming to explain why some obsessionals continually need to wash their hands , or why some children are desperately afraid of horses or dogs , or why some people are afraid to go out of the house .
21 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
22 The television , for many old people who are afraid to go out at night , an important link with the outside world and the sources of ent entertainment .
23 ‘ People on the estate are afraid to go out in the dark and even too afraid to open their doors . ’
24 They are afraid to stay in in case their doors are kicked in , but they are also afraid to go out in case their homes are done in while they are out .
25 So many houses have been burgled here and old people are afraid to come out at night .
26 But a significant body of respected people , notably from the press and A&R departments , some of whom had worked for Virgin for years , argued that the meeting should go ahead , ‘ For the sake , ’ as one person put it , ‘ of those who are afraid to speak up for themselves . ’
27 He accuses them of running up a hundred million pound debt during their years in control , and says the Tories are wrong to go along with them .
28 And it 's definitely a hands-on session — toddlers are free to leap about during the hour-long class .
29 By the same token we are free to pull out of Europe whenever we wish , simply by repealing the EC Act .
30 ‘ Well , you are free to get on with your lives , ’ Ruth told him quietly .
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