Example sentences of "[am/are] [prep] [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The programs given in this manual are for demonstration and learning purposes ; they are not intended to be taken and used as working programs without modification to suit your needs .
2 Families are about love and trust ; law is the guarantor of distrust .
3 So I do just wonder if I could n't pick out point say 1 and 2 of Q P5 and 6 which are about booking and booking forms and confirming the commission of qualitative through to whatever is required during the run off of it and then add the quality control check and finally you have got this , the final review .
4 Very quietly he said with a pride and authority that seemed to surprise them , ‘ I am of Wrath and have much to learn .
5 The columns are of marble and have varied capitals of high standard — basket , Corinthian , Composite , and Romanesque types ( 184 and PLATES 28 and 29 ) .
6 If you 're after shareware and do n't want to pay a library for a disk full , the only other way is to either copy the programs from a friend or get on-line to a Bulletin Board System and download the programs from there via a modem .
7 You may find that you need to do this exercise several times a day when you 're under pressure or feel tense .
8 Hey Do you know I mean I know you 're into rock and roll but do do you like some of the Tamla Motown stuff and that sort of thing .
9 Leave it on when you 're in bed and see what noises you make
10 Are you taking that line because you 're in favour or opposed to it ?
11 They 're on unemployment and do n't realise I saved for that .
12 You 're to bolt and bar the house up , she says to me .
13 Well why ca n't you walk down to the Co-op tomorrow when you 're at dancing and get one yourself .
14 Whether you 're at home or venturing outside , the cold war is definitely won .
15 And he had adopted another theory of extinction , discussed but rejected by Lyell , wherein species are like individuals and die of old age .
16 It can be equally disastrous for them and for others if they make a permanent arrangement on impulse and encourage a relative or friend to give up their own home and move in with them because they are under stress and feel that they may not be able to continue to live alone .
17 We must learn to see our anxiety symptoms as signals that we are under stress and learn to cope with and control these signals through our efforts and not simply mask or try to ignore them with tranquillizers .
18 All categories of expenditure are under review and include a critical examination of the company 's business plan , a study of the best opportunities for the company , and associated staffing levels .
19 Compulsory labour involves working at a site designated by the authorities , where prisoners are under surveillance and restricted in their movements .
20 This can happen at a time when you are under pressure and need to make a rapid decision .
21 The line can be read : It is true that I am in love and wish to reveal this love in poetry .
22 The Boyan ensemble are from Kiev and had been booked to play dates in Britain .
23 SATELLITES : They are in SPACE and stay there by going so fast that they never stay in one place long enough to fall down .
24 Yet , as with declarations , such utterances will only be perceived as orders if certain conditions are in operation and known to be in operation by both the sender and the receiver .
25 She receives more complaints , she said , from those who are in work but feel they would be as well off on supplementary benefit ; her aim is to increase the gap between those who are working and the non-working .
26 All are in mahogany and applied with gilt-bronze orchid decorations .
27 Sam Wheat ( Patrick Swayze ) and Molly Jensen ( Demi Moore ) are in love and have never been happier than they are now , living in their new Tribeca loft .
28 Mr Major and his cabinet are in disarray and have evidently run out of ideas and of steam .
29 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
30 As a result , many plants and animals are in decline or have already disappeared .
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