Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When male students are numerically in a minority , do they form a ‘ minority group ’ ?
2 Perhaps we think our friends see us as calm and capable while we know that we are secretly in a state of panic .
3 No we 're not putting any more films on Aaron cartoons are on in a minute
4 The Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 ( ‘ the Executive Scheme ’ ) provides for share options to be granted to those senior employees who are most in a position to affect the fortunes of the Company .
5 ‘ I am constantly in a state of surprise that I have survived this long as an actor .
6 ‘ God and the King ’ , he proclaimed , ‘ are so in a league … as one can not be enemy to the one , but that he must be to the other .
7 Although I am not in a position to provide any of the detailed statistics Mr Gillett calls for , I can certainly tell the sad tale of the missing books .
8 I am not in a position to judge . ’
9 I am not in a position to query that once I adjourn the enquiry .
10 ‘ My human sympathies ’ , said Lord Diplock , ‘ are with Mr Cheall , but I am not in a position to indulge them ; for I am left in no doubt that upon all the points that have been so ingeniously argued , the law is against him . ’
11 Our intended publication of a Lothian Rail Development Strategy has slipped somewhat , and I am not in a position to give you an indication of likely completion dates .
12 I am not in a position to defend British Rail , but when we analyse the problems with commuter services in the south-east and the problems that British Rail faces in general , we must remember that they are caused because the Government will not allow British Rail to introduce the schemes that it wants , including electrification of other lines , in order to improve services .
13 The hon. Gentleman may be right — I am not in a position to argue with him — and I am prepared to concede the point for those 2 million pensioners ; but millions of other pensioners have benefited enormously under this Government , not only from increases in the standard pension but from rising income from the state earnings-related pension scheme , rising occupational pensions and increased income from savings .
14 I have not undertaken a review of NIE plc 's purchases of generation and I am not in a position to comment on the relative costs of the various options .
15 Second , that I am not in a position of knowledge and I ca n't deliver some goods to them ; that basically , I 'm on a journey and I will hate the techniques I 'm learning for unpicking the threads of my life by becoming assertive and getting new knowledge with them .
16 I have n't yet married and am not in a rush to do so , so I suppose that in this regard I am a disappointment to my father , though I 'm sure he understands that it would be unfair for me to marry with my present commitment to athletics .
17 Bankers are generally in a position to make specific conditions for providing finance and so have little need for the audit , abbreviated accounts filed 10 months after the year end are of little value to trade suppliers and customers , and the Revenue 's reliance on audited accounts is ‘ largely illusory ’ , the Institute says .
18 We are already in a position to give reasons for many of the cases of uneven distribution , where an adjective is grammatical in one of the two positions but not in the other , beyond simply making some such observation as " the following adjectives are unacceptable in predicative position " .
19 We need to set an example as well , at this present time M S F are already in a position where they 're training their activists in other languages .
20 In ( 3 ) , SPAR is able to identify both some biscuits and a bowl on the floor , allowing both definite noun phrases to be fully resolved ; but it can not find any biscuits that are already in a bowl .
21 Mr Justice Hutchison said the 1936 Act primarily envisages a system where the local authority has a power and a duty to try to secure that premises are not in a state which constitutes a statutory nuisance .
22 Even when our conscious feelings are not in a state of conflict , it is difficult to portray them relatively accurately in words , but it is much more so when they are .
23 Often they are not in a state to talk .
24 If you are not in a position to be ruthless about getting rid of people on the platform , school them in the proper way to behave — sitting still , looking towards the speaker and not thumping the table in their enthusiasm .
25 They are probably shocked by the news , and are not in a position to make a rational decision .
26 Where the national audit offices are not in a position to meet the Court of Auditors ' requirements , private professional firms should be asked to do so . ’
27 With regret , therefore , I have to inform you that we are not in a position to offer you employment in any research division of the company .
28 Sociologists of religion are not in a position to say whether or not a particular movement is or is not ‘ really ’ a religion .
29 It is not hard to see why , since we are not in a position to evaluate the merits of different population distributions in any meaningful way .
30 Teachers in schools being tested are thus powerless , since they have no control over the measures used and are not in a position to dispute the findings ( although this depends on how the results are used , and if , for example , they are published ) .
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