Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [conj] it has " in BNC.

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1 Fifteen Para , which has its headquarters in my constituency , was being marched to oblivion until public opinion brought itself to bear on the Ministry , and I am grateful that it has taken a step backwards , but we still do not know what size that step is .
2 I am sorry that it has taken longer to respond to your recent telephone call than I had expected , but I have now examined all the papers relating to this matter and have re-visited Captains Road .
3 ‘ We have had our differences and I am sorry if it has caused offence . ’
4 I am afraid that it has not been a success and that has certainly not been for want of effort from him but I think we just have to write that one off .
5 But , he added , ‘ I am delighted that it has stood the test of time and that its few critics have at least remained silent .
6 I am delighted that it has now decided to co-operate with the Government and solve a problem that I brought the regional affairs committee of the European Parliament over to look at 14 years ago .
7 That is critical and I am delighted that it has found its way into the treaty with powerful German support .
8 Hibernia is a complex , challenging and difficult contract , and I am delighted that it has restarted and we look forward to making a significant contribution to this major international project .
9 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
10 In other words the limits on the knowing subject 's cognition are such that it has to be mediated in a social and discursive context for anything like truth to be achieved :
11 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
12 The MPs called on health boards to act quickly to ensure adequate cover in a number of important related areas and said : ‘ We are concerned that it has taken so long to achieve such important improvements in the balance of medical staffing . ’
13 That is a very considerable prize but it has been painful to achieve and I am unsurprised that it has caused some disruption .
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