Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The immediate haemodynamic effect of interrupting blood flow to the low resistance placental circulation while the umbilical arteries are pulsating is an abrupt rise in systemic arterial pressure with possible deleterious effects .
2 But we must be sure that what we are seeing is a true feeding roll and not just any surface activity , for bream do frequently appear at the surface when feeding is far from their thoughts .
3 Secondly , how well those made redundant are treated is an important factor in maintaining the morale of those who stay behind .
4 It is thought that the mechanism whereby all the genes in the chromosome are inactivated is a chemical modification of the DNA .
5 New radiators come in metric sizes , and if the one you are replacing is an old imperial size , go for one fractionally smaller than the original if possible .
6 What I am expressing is a tentative belief that it is raining , not the belief ( or awareness of the fact ) that I believe that it is raining .
7 We have tried to make it clear in the law that what we are establishing is a parallel procedure and not an exclusive procedure , so that the other law as it existed , whatever it is , still does exist today , but that here is a prescribed procedure which terminally ill patients may choose to use should they wish to do so .
8 The interaction of the aphid , the whitefly , the wasp and the bumble bee in a greenhouse in which tomatoes are grown is a good example of the principles of Integrated Crop Management Systems [ ICMS ] .
9 ‘ What you 're inventing is a whole false little scenario of supposedly future wedded bliss , just so you can win custody of Kirsty .
10 ‘ The furniture and fabrics should go together , because what you 're selling is a complete look . ’
11 You 've picked up a book — you might even have bought it — that you thought was about cancer , but all you 're getting is an incoherent autobiography about an unknown .
12 What we 're doing is a makeshift operation .
13 So effectively what you 're saying is a sizable proportion of your proposals are South of the Tees .
14 One device we are testing is an advanced maschotrometer system with three small maschotrometers coupled together in a series .
15 Rasing prices when others are cutting is a bold , high risk strategy .
16 What we are observing is a late stage in the recession of formerly well-established rules .
17 In England the courts are almost certain to take the view that the way taxes are spent is a political question which the courts are not the proper bodies to consider , and that no taxpayer has sufficient interest to raise this matter in court .
18 At the time of the referendum we said to people , ‘ Do not worry — your powers will be OK ; your government is still in charge ; democracy is OK ; all that we are joining is a free-trade area . ’
19 and interested in what other countries are doing is a great step forward .
20 How they are set is a difficult question to which I shall return , but those who decry as too narrow the scope of a Convention running to over a hundred Articles must surely embody the resuscitated spirit of Oliver Twist who will always cry for more !
21 All I am asking is a little donation now and again .
22 Drinkers have a right to know whether the beer they are drinking is a genuine barley malt product or whether it is stuffed full of such tasty ingredients as corn syrup , propylene glycol alginate , amyloglucosidase , papain enzymes and potassium metabisulphite .
23 But whether , how , where and when these underlying instincts are activated is a social ( or what the biologists would call a ‘ cultural ’ ) matter .
24 Much of the breakdown of faith we are witnessing is a logical consequence , pure and simple , of the deep deficiency of faith today .
25 Just how odours are perceived is a complicated and as yet not fully understood process .
26 ‘ Basically what we are offering is an underwater loudspeaker .
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