Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , Master , we are building our arguments on the fact that there were men who looked like King James . ’
2 At the moment of writing , Labour seems to have lumbered itself with a system in which thode entitled to nominate — Labour MPs — will have no reliable means of guessing whether they are wasting their nominations on a no-hoper .
3 ‘ But you are wasting your talents with him , mademoiselle , and will live to regret it .
4 Leaders are given their roles by their putative followers ; their ‘ authority ’ may technically be removed if their followers cease to acknowledge them .
5 Also , most appointees on public bodies are given their jobs for a set number of years , so it could be some while before changes filtered through .
6 The Bill will be a special one in that the political parties are allowing their members in both Houses a free vote because the issue is deemed to be one of conscience .
7 And loads of people are mowing their lawns like summer today .
8 But perhaps I am shirking my responsibilities by being here , in the police force . ’
9 THE three main parties are to debate their policies on nursery education at a public meeting in Darlington .
10 Will the Prime Minister now tell us whether he accepts that , in addition to the massive number of homes repossessed last year , a further 80,000 families are to lose their homes in the current year ?
11 Two hundred and ninety people are to lose their jobs with the closure of one of the country 's leading leather manufacturers .
12 Ninety people are to lose their jobs at a bleach factory .
13 It 's just been announced that three hundred and thirty workers are to lose their jobs at an oil and gas extraction equipment factory .
14 MORE than 50 workers are to lose their jobs at two Highland oil rig yards .
15 They are bringing their children to a school about which they already know a great amount and have decided that it meets their needs .
16 ‘ For the first time in ages they are tackling their problems in a sensible , mature manner without hysteria on one side and bloody-mindedness on the other .
17 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
18 Over 160 Dorset artists and craftspeople are opening their studios to public scrutiny , as 85 events simultaneously take place across the county .
19 Over 160 Dorset artists and craftspeople are opening their studios to public scrutiny , as 85 events simultaneously take place across the county .
20 American environmentalists are girding their loins in preparation for what is undoubtedly the most important meeting in the whole process .
21 My answer to this criticism was that teachers of English are virtually unanimous in their enthusiasm for literature , but need persuasion if they are to accept our recommendations for the teaching of grammar , Standard English and knowledge about language .
22 Potato brown rot has only affected a few tonnes on one farm so far … but experts are keeping their eyes on it .
23 The problem with any such guesstimate is that , of course , we are basing our calculations on a statistical sample of one .
24 Thirty two thousand would-be undergraduates are checking their applications to university in case they 've been lost because of a computer fault .
25 Basically people are maximizing their situations in agriculture .
26 Police fear that IRA bombers based in Britain are training their sights on other major cities after being foiled in three recent attempts to bomb London .
27 ABOUT 12,000 past and present employees of Mirror Group Newspapers are to receive their pensions in full under a deal negotiated with the workforce .
28 We have already noted that FPCs are to receive their funds from RHAS , there will also be payments from RHAS to GPPBs .
29 Ideally , you should adjust your eating so that you are meeting your aims for goal weights or are at least 2 to 3 lb ( 1 kg ) within your goal weight for any particular week .
30 The Miami Cubans are flexing their wallets for the return to a country whose people are healthier , better educated and less racially divided than when the exiles left .
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