Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
2 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
3 The Irish are seeing something of a cricketing revival … it 's the fastest growing sport in their home country , and they feel confident about taking on the World 's best .
4 To be sure we are seeing it in a grotesquely parodied form , but what leads to Celia being nearly raped is nothing less than the prevailing structures of patriarchal and heterosexual authority : it is after all her hitherto paranoidly jealous husband who has literally dragged her to Volpone 's bed .
5 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , in which case Kitchens Of Distinction are using it as a sharp stick .
6 FoE 's rainforests campaigner , Tony Juniper , admits that some tree planting is a good idea , but says that " politicians are using it as a green smokescreen to hide the failure of developed countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide " .
7 ‘ The Bosnian Serbs are using humanitarian aid as a military weapon and the Bosnian government and Croatian groups are using it as a political weapon . ’
8 DJs are whipping them into a frenzy of anticipation from a stage perched above the masses .
9 Twin humbucker guitars are enjoying something of a rebirth at present , thanks mainly to the players who are treading that particular path ( I 'm thinking of Nuno , Satriani & co ) and having played Strat derivatives for so long , it 's easy to forget just how good a neck humbucker sounds at full throttle .
10 But the Conservatives are bracing themselves for a map of somewhat different complexion on Friday morning , if the opinion polls ’ verdicts prove true , with most of the changes wrought by the Liberal Democrats .
11 Tulip Computers NV is scheduled to announce 1992 figures tomorrow , and Amsterdam analysts are bracing themselves for a flood of red ink .
12 STAFF at the Wedgwood visitor centre are bracing themselves for a bumper summer season .
13 COUNSELLORS are bracing themselves for a flood of inquiries when a TV drama is screened exposing a child migration scheme which shamed Britain .
14 Sometimes we are to treat it as a drawing of a box , sometimes as one of wire frames .
15 People who do n't have a real understanding of vibe are adopting it as a pose . ’
16 Erm Eric in , in Manchester from where he comes is extremely well known obviously within the G M B but his record he 's one of the individuals in the trade union movement that I think are becoming somewhat of a rarity these days I know that many of us when we first started in the movement were very easily able , and , and very relaxed about combining trade union and political activities together but of course as time goes on and , you do tend to become more involved in the one and the other , because of course it 's all time-consuming but I can honestly say that in Eric 's case he 's never deviated one iota from his commitment both to the trade union , this union in particular , and to the Party never deviated at all .
17 Hereford are staging something of a mini revival this year inching their way out of the gloom at the bottom of division three .
18 I 'm not surprised your Julidochromis have n't bred and have fallen out if you are keeping them in a community tank !
19 I am opening myself as a channel to the Light . ’
20 Many solicitors , in writing a letter for a client , will misrepresent the law , even though they are addressing themselves to a layman , and will lend themselves to various abuses and suppressions ( not involving a breach of law ) in order to obstruct a just claim .
21 A group of kids are on a roundabout , one foot on and one foot off , they are pushing it at a giddy speed , round and around until their faces form a single banded blur .
22 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
23 This is a similar sort of thing to passing current through , but this time we 're using it as a battery .
24 You 're becoming nothing but a delinquent ! ’
25 We 're keeping it as a monument to its origins during the war
26 No , oh , well no , we 're painting it as a female problem exclusively , but one that 's been
27 You 're eliminating one at a time .
28 They 'll miss him , like they missed many of their first team players who 're saving themselves for a vital league game next week .
29 They 're promoting themselves to a very significant extent on the basis that they 're selling at cheaper prices to the public .
30 And the way the management work in here , I can say is they , aim they 're promoting anybody to a chargehand they usually promote somebody that 's actually no threat to themselves .
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