Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 Ford claims most are selling for enough over the MGFV to pay a deposit on a new Options car now for the same monthly payments .
2 Society members are drawn from all over the region , some travelling many miles for the monthly meeting at Old Alresford Place , where the facilities have helped the society re-launch in the Alresford area .
3 A major strength of Henley is that students are drawn from all over the world and bring with them knowledge of many different cultures .
4 ‘ Travel trade decision makers are invited from all over the world to come and see for themselves what Scotland has to offer as a destination , ’ he says .
5 People are coming from all over the place , and the flat … . ’ she held out her arms .
6 ‘ The lads still at the club are coming from all over the place to turn out for us , and are happy just to play the game .
7 East Germany 's workers ' militias , which have 400,000 members , are standing by all over the country to help to clamp down in case of trouble .
8 Its warriors are recruited from all over the Empire and the sons of many wealthy and powerful families can be found amongst its ranks .
9 Reiksguard are recruited from all over the Empire and include the sons of many wealthy and powerful families .
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