Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [subord] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires ; the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them ! ’
2 For example , the TNCs that control the world grain trade are criticized if they do not sell grain to the Third World , and they are criticized if they do .
3 For example , the TNCs that control the world grain trade are criticized if they do not sell grain to the Third World , and they are criticized if they do .
4 Because none of us wants to have er , the problems that are occurring when you do n't put any sheep dip on .
5 For if a garage habitually does half the service its costs are very much lower than if it has done the full service ; and since it can charge the full price , because of the ignorance of the consumer , its pro fits are maximised when it does as little of the service as it can get away with .
6 It is very important that the water remains in traps — and , in fact , the Building Regulations are contravened if it does n't .
7 It just depends where we 're going cos I do n't know what we 're doing yet So I 'd and the woman 's coming round tonight so I 'll just , sort of , say to her if I can keep it over the weekend I can do a lot more so otherwise I 'll feel a bit bad
8 I ca n't see where we 're going because I did n't have my glasses on .
9 So you not it it 's do you say , you 're not actually against , you do n't mind er you you would n't mind them doing what they 're doing if they did it away from here .
10 So now they 're saying if she does n't , if she goes off again without her mother 's consent then they 'll take her into care .
11 No , I do n't when you 're joking because you do n't say shut up to me for you to say shut up .
12 ‘ I 'm sorry you 're miffed because I do n't want to sell and I 'm sorry our views on the nuisance value of my workshop conflict , ’ Ashley said , ‘ but why do n't we wait until the villas are occupied and take a vote among the owners ?
13 But this if I may pick up on the point Mr made , how then do you assess the environmental impact of what you 're proposing if you do n't actually know where it 's going to go ?
14 Does it make a difference from where staff are supplied if they do a good job ?
15 If you read again the sections covered by the mnemonic MACRO , you will appreciate that the best effects are produced when you do not merely soak up the words of the textbook author , like some print-absorbing sponge .
16 Children are taught to share , are encouraged to contribute to the household , and are praised when they do so , but little real social pressure is brought to bear until adolescence .
17 Do n't wait until you are burgled before you do something to make your home more secure .
18 ‘ I 'm laughing because you did n't lie to me .
19 ‘ And now I know who I 'm looking for I do n't need any from you , ’ he responded succinctly and , pushing himself to his feet , disappeared back into the cockpit .
20 ‘ Well , I 'm damned if I do , ’ said Joseph to Cobalt .
21 ‘ I came here to apologise , but if this is your attitude I 'm damned if I do ! ’
22 That 's what I 'm saying if they do n't
23 what I 'm think if I do get
24 you are excluded because you do not comply with a specific statutory condition .
25 According to the STV 's advocates votes are wasted if they do not contribute to a candidate 's election or are superfluous .
26 ‘ You may be disappointed if you fail , but you are doomed if you do n't try . ’
27 Paul Byrne is sheer quality but it does n't matter how well a team are playing if they do n't have someone to put the ball in the net . ’
28 Be on the look-out when ordinary people are despised because they do n't speak the way you do , or because they come from the council estate .
29 There was an estimate of £10:1:0 for enclosing Kiels , with a gate , and they recommended that it be done if it did not exceed
30 Be damned if we did n't hope you would simply call in the Marines and spread our hydra around some more !
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