Example sentences of "the [adj -er] ones " in BNC.

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1 Pointing out difficulties is a very common behaviour but is one of the riskier ones because research shows that it is far from certain how people will take it .
2 You will find the speeches scattered like jewels throughout the text , but it is perhaps as well to keep to the simpler ones for your audition piece — those where Romeo and Juliet are directly enthralled by love and the declaration of love to another person .
3 It is the natural , regular set of teeth , which all dogs have , whereby the upper incisors seize — slightly grinding — a little bit over the lower ones .
4 The effect is the opposite to taking logs : squaring stretches out the upper values and compresses the lower ones , and cubing does so even more powerfully .
5 It is also higher on in situ upper incisors than on the lower ones ( Table 3.13 columns 3 and 6 ) , and on isolated teeth than on in situ ones .
6 The tushes come through when the horse is between three and four years old , the upper ones being set higher up than the lower ones .
7 In agreement with Lapworth , it was shown that the uppermost rocks had been pushed many miles over the lower ones along a low-angled thrust fault .
8 The lower ones were improving storm sewer overflows and treating sewage even better , so there was less there was less enthusiasm for paying more money to improve sewage treatment works .
9 Upper mainplanes were built in three sections , the lower ones in four ; the lower outer sections , most vulnerable to damage , were joined beneath the interplane struts in such a manner that they could be removed without deranging the remainder of the structure .
10 And the dearer ones would be about six shilling , a week , full board .
11 The farmer and his neighbours were all friends so it was just a case of asking them to keep an eye on their moggies , and spying on a few of the plumper-looking ones — successful hunters , we assumed .
12 Some of the coarser ones have long been known from simple histological studies , but more recent mapping of the nerve tracts and individual axonal connections has required a variety of specialized techniques .
13 It is reasonable to assume that the daughters , particularly the elder ones , of such families will have been brought up to share in household chores .
14 This is to allow the nearer ones to write by In-filling — over the previously drawn further ones , or by the construction of silhouettes that restrict the construction of ones further from the drawn front facets .
15 Let's , let's just put it here , A minus B times A minus B. Now it 's tempting to go for the easier ones in it as you did , so we 'll do the A squared , okay that 's no problem .
16 That if we have , let's have a look at some of the easier ones .
17 I suggest you use this version because it 's one of the easier ones to calculate .
18 Even the prettier ones have a tough attitude .
19 Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude , while the fainter ones are of the fourth .
20 Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude , while the fainter ones are of the fourth .
21 So the distance makes something look rather fainter , and similarly if you have something like a particular kind of start that you can identify by some property — which we 'll perhaps talk about in a moment — if you can identify it and you know how bright it is , then the fainter ones are further away and you can estimate the distance by how faint they are .
22 Face rubbed against face , the taller ones squelching down the shorter ones , the darker ones overshadowing the lighter ones .
23 I soon found that different dye lots knitted to different sizes , so that stripes in the dark colours needed four rows less than the lighter ones to make my four inches .
24 Face rubbed against face , the taller ones squelching down the shorter ones , the darker ones overshadowing the lighter ones .
25 John was proposing to divide the corps de ballet into two groups , the taller girls having slower and more statuesque movements than the shorter ones .
26 The 238S takes standard cassettes — the shorter ones from C90 down are better because increased tape thickness gives better stability .
27 Longer outer bristles reach around the teeth , while the shorter ones polish the surface .
28 Which you tend not to do so much for the shorter ones .
29 When cleaned the shorter ones are revealed to be rather hook-like with a terminal hook and 2 large supplementary hooks on the shaft .
30 Cut 4cm ( 1½inches ) off the ends of two of the rectangular cakes and sandwich all four cakes together with some of the buttercream , the shorter ones on top , centred widthways but aligned at one end .
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