Example sentences of "the [noun] saying " in BNC.

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1 But a record company spokesman laughed off rumours of the split saying : ‘ The band are busy making plans for the future . ‘
2 He threw himself down on the bed with his head on my stomach , groaning , and between the groans saying that he would be a good husband in future , he honestly would , he adored me , he was very ashamed and only hoped I could forgive him .
3 I put a paper to the board saying I was not sure we could overcome all the difficulties and we might in the event have to quit the business altogether .
4 The board saying they wanted to sell him will have made him think ‘ Why not , no point hanging round where I 'm not wanted ’ .
5 On the word , Emma turned her head away , the exclamation saying it all .
6 Do n't you , almost , you can almost hear behind the text saying , would n't you rather have a woman like that
7 Right , now we 're are n't we , we 're , because the next time that that handset is used , the black button in other words is dislodged , and lodged , by the way , it will send a signal to the computer saying ‘ Right , it 's your turn to carry out the camp on if you want to , again you 've got the choice , you do n't have to , nobody has to answer a camp on .
8 Cos they keep telling cos I owe them so many hours they keep coming up to me and telling me that I owe them so many hours , you signed the contract saying you 've got whatever happens .
9 In October Mr. Johnson , the resident surgeon and secretary of Bedford Infirmary , wrote to the guardians saying that a special meeting of the governors of the infirmary would be held to consider the exclusion of smallpox patients from the Fever Hospital ( which had been established there in 1847 ) .
10 First , the shot-gun approach involves the buyer saying ‘ Unless you agree immediately to a price reduction of 20% we 'll have to look elsewhere for a supplier . ’
11 Realising that his son had little chance of success in Munich Leopold began trying to encourage him to lay other plans and Nannerl joined in the plea saying :
12 But when you start to think about it in terms of erm sort of psychological explanation as you 're becoming used to , then it becomes perhaps not such a good way of thinking about perception Matlin 's got some very examples in it of this of those sorts of things By and large were concerned with people 's experience , self-reported experience quite often , of the phenomena saying well tell me what you see when you look at it rather than being based on the sort of lovely stuff that we love , good solid empirical data , yeah ?
13 It is bad enough having the sufferer saying one thing but really meaning another without the counsellor getting caught up in the same macabre " game " .
14 He has me fetch the plastic bucket from under the sink , then returns to the caravan with the bigger bits in the bucket saying he has some letters to write .
15 All to no avail , the Admiral saying that if his instructions were obeyed , the ships would pass over the centre line alternately .
16 and then the fingers saying father …
17 It was very difficult with some of the authorities saying yes he could come and others saying no .
18 She could hear the Comtesse saying it over and over again .
19 And then , in Camus , who made the most immense journey from his origins ( his mother was illiterate ; a neighbour read her the telex saying he 'd won the Nobel Prize ) , I found someone who stated , in the most affirmative and human terms , the ways in which he remained dependent on them .
20 There was a delay while the truck-driver — a guy called Ali who was almost as big as Dod and who had a library edition of The Satanic Verses on his dashboard — strung banners down the side of the truck saying : ‘ All your presents in one Place — St Christopher 's . ’
21 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
22 Each phase involves the clients saying a number of statements to themselves .
23 Did you know Jehovah 's organizations always changes , not with it , but to combat it that way it comes to work , it keeps us alive , it keeps us on our toes , and so we could go on and on in saying well look keep away , stay awake and do everything that we should and , and we can stand here for the rest of the talk saying well do it , do it , do it but that 's easy for me to do that is n't it ?
24 He turned his head and glanced to where Martin was taking off his overcoat , and Martin raised his eyebrows , pursed his lips and nodded his head , the action saying , ‘ You 're in for it again , laddie . ’
25 But then a group of people in Slough were shown on the telly saying that the Budget was a total disaster and they were all going to vote Labour .
26 In his prejudiced but occasionally interesting Labour and the Benn Factor ( Macdonald £12.95 ) , Michael Cocks recalls Benn on the train after a party conference wandering up and down the carriage saying : ‘ Has anybody seen a pair of National Health Service glasses ? ’
27 Hugh Laughland also made reference to the future saying ‘ Whilst recent reductions in interest rates are most welcome , the beneficial effect on the economy as a whole will take some time to emerge .
28 Mr Bulter 's predecessor , Albert Pacey , left the force saying that officers needed more support from the courts and the legislators .
29 Write the word clearly ( not in capital letters ) , and record your voice on the card saying it as naturally as possible .
30 She would appear at the gates of the Waaf Site about 10.45pm , armed with a torch half the size of the Flamborough lighthouse , when upwards of a dozen couples would be propping up the fence saying goodnight .
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