Example sentences of "the [noun] door " in BNC.

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1 I open the tent door , already cold .
2 Unlike when Meh'Lindi exited , this time the suite door banged shut .
3 Then he locked the suite door and stumbled back to bed , listening to his drugged head whine like the empty telephone line .
4 The moment the stairway door closed behind her , the elevator regained its composure and followed her down .
5 Kenne looked at the saloon door .
6 ‘ The guards opened the passageway door and locked it behind me as Sir Ralph had ordered .
7 For once , sunshine was slanting in ; and Ruth sat at the table , drawing with her finger round the shadow of the coffee cup — then abruptly got up , opened the basement door and went down the steps into the darkness .
8 She fully expected the basement door to be bolted .
9 Somewhere in the corridor , the basement door slammed and Jimmy watched everything as if it was taking place on a stage , and he was a member of the audience .
10 They were shrinking back from the basement door .
11 No … not the basement door .
12 Cardiff gingerly touched the basement door handle with his gloved hands , still watching the others .
13 Gilbert was fidgeting with his gloves again , looking at the basement door as Jimmy rolled to his knees and tried to keep from retching .
14 Not the basement from which they 'd come , with its shattered windows giving further access to this horror … not the service/access corridor with its hideous wall-bound parody of Farley Peters … but the door next to the basement door marked : ‘ Stairs ’ .
15 The key to the basement door of No. 22 , which had rested by Phyllis Henley 's dead hands .
16 The conversation was abruptly terminated as the dread door opened and a WAAF came out .
17 Opening the parlour door , James ushered them inside .
18 Nick closed the parlour door .
19 The parlour door went straight onto the street , because it was a terrace you see and you go into the into the front room here and you have another door into the next room and another door into the scullery at the back .
20 Cranston closed the parlour door so his wife could not hear .
21 She pushed the parlour door open and tiptoed in .
22 Cornelius swung open the parlour door without knocking and strode into the room .
23 It was an estate , the hatch door being held down by gravity .
24 Of course , he thought , as he levered the hatch door open slowly , letting more soft light spill out from underneath , he 'd have to cover his tracks in the morning ; damn silly to have left the cupboard back there open , and the light on in the dome .
25 Sensing the atmosphere , David Beaton led Luch and Ranald past the bower door , and on to Eachuinn Odhar 's room .
26 McGowan opened the apartment door that night when Jed buzzed .
27 At that moment McCrea 's fifth kick broke the lock on the apartment door .
28 Marlin had given them both a detailed description of the assailant , and instructions to let nobody up to the second floor without Ms Odell 's permission , and even then they were to accompany the visitor to the apartment door , and escort them out if his guest chose not to see them .
29 He tiptoed from the elevator to the apartment door with erotic wheezes .
30 But not yet ? ’ she murmured , draped along the kitchen door .
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