Example sentences of "the [adj] moment " in BNC.

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1 If this glitch activity has continued over the lifetime of the pulsar , roughly 5% of the moment of inertia of the neutron star must now be effectively removed in the form of pinned vortices ; but according to current models , only 1% of the total moment of inertia is involved in the whole of the superfluid that interpenetrates the inner crust , where pinning might take place .
2 However , the finest study for a painting — and the fabulous moment in the show — does not emanate from Holkham but is a Raphael drawing acquired by our National Gallery through private treaty , and purchased not via national funding bodies alone but from the legacies of the late Keith Andrews ( Print Room Keeper 1958-85 , a devoted scholar and delightful personality ) and his sister Rene .
3 Always worrying about the indefinable moment .
4 YEOVIL TOWN captain Mark Shail was heartbroken last night over the rash moment which may cost him the chance of playing in the dream FA Cup tie against Arsenal .
5 It seemed what mattered , what defined , was the acute moment at the end , not the long , unfeigned relationships which had subsisted before .
6 As the concept of the predestined moment receded , there entered their minds not so much the ringing message of the Pauline Epistles as the echo of an older despair .
7 The political moment
8 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
9 But Maria 's presence actually begs a question since it 's the sole moment when a startling presence swoops out of the mix .
10 Leafing through bound volumes of those old editions in Beirut , Abu Khadra could still experience the odd moment of journalistic triumph as old newspapermen tend to do , long after their papers have died .
11 It has the odd moment of pure Pseud 's Corner cheek ( a Catalan sestina with a helpful translation — into French ) .
12 But , confessing to the odd moment of scruffiness , he pointed out : ‘ I have to admit that I do still like the comfort of shorts and a T-shirt . ’
13 Fine , yah , we 'll while away the odd moment .
14 Maybe he 'll go to Novell and gracefully steal away at the opportune moment .
15 He was in fact becoming increasingly dissatisfied with an exclusive concentration on the infinite qualitative difference , and the encounter in the eternal moment .
16 But by pushing the argument into an abstract utopianism , Benjamin 's stress on concrete technique , on the needs of the specific moment and the free selection of materials and methods to meet those needs , has disappeared .
17 The point of that scene , and of this whole great play , is to examine the strange moment when great people just do n't have it any more .
18 But he added : ‘ My goal remains — when the historic moment comes — the unity of the nation . ’
19 Most of those watching on TV round the country missed the historic moment ‘ live ’ , as Channel 9 were screening their nightly news bulletin at the time .
20 It was the historic moment when the rule of the people , the idea of democracy , was seen as the only legitimate form of government and as the key to sweeping away the rule of individual despots and arrogant oligarchies , and when articulate voices were not afraid to proclaim their faith in the virtues and good judgement of the people as a whole .
21 The historic moment , however , came in 1761 with the Duke of Bridgewater 's famous canal from his mines at Worsley to Manchester .
22 He says Berliners are now counting down to the historic moment .
23 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
24 The right moment to begin , he wrote , is the moment when right and wrong are no longer an issue , it may even be the moment , he wrote , when the realization dawns and is at once accepted that another moment might have been equally valid , and when this no longer matters .
25 Additional airbrake should be available to make the glider stop floating at the right moment .
26 But it appeared at precisely the right moment to catch the poststructuralist tide associated with Derrida and the later Barthes , and several of the most influential titles brought together , rather uneasily , poststructuralism and Marxism .
27 The moths suffered a rousing shaking as the right moment was watched for .
28 It was just that I happened to ask at the right moment .
29 ‘ At ordinary times we do not read novels at all , as you may imagine , but the right novel at the right moment can have a real spiritual value . ’
30 The banks have been hostile to the plans from the beginning but had been waiting for the right moment to withdraw on commercial rather than political grounds .
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