Example sentences of "[Wh det] does not [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The juniper flavour is good and there is a fresh , lemony bite , but the overall impression is of an unexciting gin , which does not marry well with the botanicals .
2 Firstly , there may be a partial response which does not last long , and secondly , there may be no response at all .
3 It seems appropriate , therefore , to search for a way of specifying required yields which does not rely exclusively upon historic data .
4 These serious problems have led to the concept of integrated pest management ( IPM ) which does not rely solely on pesticides .
5 Wimsatt 's use of the term ‘ iconic ’ ( and the title of The Verbal Icon ) derives from Morris 's distinction ( 1971 : 37 ) between the ‘ iconic ’ and the ‘ symbolic ’ sign ; the former is that which ‘ characterizes … by exhibiting in itself the properties of an object ’ , the latter that which does not do so , but has instead a purely conventional relationship with the object that it designates .
6 He bought a bottle of Frascati ( a wine which does not travel much beyond Rome ) and they finished with creme caramel , cognac and several cups of coffee .
7 Margaret Nelson believes schools should give pupils a moral education which does not depend solely on religious belief .
8 Rolle tends to the lyric and rhapsodic , a style which does not cohere easily with the logical demands of Latin , but the other three all express the inexpressible cogently and methodically , with a calm which approaches these extreme states of mind quietly , shrewdly and , sometimes , with irony and wry self-deprecation .
9 In practice , however , this will be difficult because unlike formal organisation , which does not change even when individual employees move into and out of jobs ( by promotion , transfer , appointment , resignation or retirement etc ) most informal organisations depend on individual personalities .
10 In the meantime the purchase grant of the Museum has been cut by nearly fifty per cent to Pta300 million ( £1.7 million ; £2.9 million ) which does not go very far when acquiring modern works .
11 The 31-year-old ex-paratrooper 's prize for retaining his title at Wembley on Saturday night was £10,000 , which does not go far for a full-time body builder who downs half a dozen eggs after his breakfast cereal and eight to 10 chicken breasts a day when ‘ bulking up ’ .
12 On average , people come to us with only fours years to go before they need the fees , which does not give long for performance . ’
13 It is clear that if a method of examining use is to be devised which does not lean entirely upon the librarian 's judgement , that method must be sophisticated enough to take into account the many variable factors .
14 What is certain is that the pre-1989 Austin/MG range , all Skodas , Yugos and quite a few Lancias do not , which does not help already depressed resale prices .
15 In much recent talk about the Kingdom Jesus ' centrality has been overlooked , or refuge has been taken in the concept of his anonymous presence which does not square well with the New Testament Kingdom emphasis .
16 Even a disastrous outcome in the public sector can be financed by a fraction of a penny on everyone 's income tax , which does not have nearly such disastrous consequences .
17 What is required is some way of authenticating these matters which does not impinge too greatly on the ease of use of electronic messaging , and the best method of authentication is undoubtedly some form of digital signature .
18 The hood is a fairly flimsy affair which does not look particularly rainproof . ’
19 Flexibility is a quality which does not flourish easily .
20 No housing policy can be sound which does not deal courageously with rent restriction as a whole .
21 Subjectivity becomes contained in discourse : a solution which does not deal adequately with its complicated place in psychology and social relations .
22 The first two examples discussed below illustrate different ways in which the linguistic model is used to develop a narrative model , and the third , Genette 's Narrative Discourse ( which does not use strictly linguistic analytical categories ) , illustrates somewhat differently the structuralist preoccupation with abstract models rather than with individual texts .
23 This goes a long way towards explaining the awkwardness felt by the foreign learner in conversation an awkwardness which does not seem wholly attributable to faulty or slow processing of grammar and vocabulary .
24 Indeed , one might hope for still more in the way of functional explanation much of the syntactic machinery of a language seems to be concerned with the linear re-organization of material in sentences ( as in passive or topicalized constructions ) , a re-organization which does not seem substantially to affect the ( truth-conditional ) semantic content .
25 LWT needs 75 per cent of its shareholders to approve the scheme , which does not seem too difficult now the plans have been moderated .
26 And he recommended that most prisons should be ‘ community prisons ’ catering for a wide variety of prisoners from their locality , a prescription which does not seem readily compatible with the notion that this sort of mixture is conducive to disorder .
27 While disputing the definition of an underclass composed of recalcitrant or wayward pathological individuals , it should be noted that current developments in public policy , especially the poll tax registration and payment procedures , are encouraging the formation of an ‘ underclass ’ in the sense of a section of society which does not participate even formally in society , let alone participate fully as citizens .
28 One obvious explanation is that deconstruction provided a convenient successor to the New Criticism in mass higher education , providing a form of detailed close analysis of texts which does not require much in the way of contextual cultural literacy .
29 After the rest he should be involved in some activity which does not require too much physical effort .
30 Glass This is also a substance which does not fall conveniently into any of the three categories of gas , liquid or solid .
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