Example sentences of "[Wh det] may be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Fylingdales parish returned only ten taxpayers even though its biggest settlement was the lively village of Robin Hood 's Bay , where Leland observed twenty fishing boats , each of which may be reckoned the livelihood of one family at the very least .
2 Such , too , was the theme that intensified in their fiction towards middle age , which may be called the agony of a lost Eden .
3 The basic duty provides us with the fundamental rule of conduct which may be called the rule of law ; viz. , that we must not only not injure , but must also work to promote , social solidarity .
4 There is a catastrophic ‘ implosion ’ , which may be called the opposite of an explosion , followed by a shock-wave which literally blows the star apart in what is called a supernova outburst .
5 Thus an envelope bounding these wells showing minimum or no uplift on the diagram defines a zone of ± 400 ft ( 120 m ) which may be termed the standard maturity-depth gradient for the Southern North Sea ; all the data points which define the zone were derived from Westphalian age strata .
6 The committee was seriously convinced of the benefits that must result from an institution to cultivate and teach veterinary medicine ; the object of this committee 's concern , and that of Vial , were one and the same ; and it was greatly to be desired that the two plans — that of the Odiham Agricultural Society and that of Vial — ( which may be termed the Alfort plan ) should be consolidated into one .
7 They grew with his reading of Frazer who described the ‘ Burnt Land of Lydia ’ contrasting with the surrounding verdure and marvelled ( in the conclusion of The Dying God ) at ‘ what may be called the Australian spring ’ where ‘ the sandy and stony wilderness , over which the silence and desolation of death appear to brood , is suddenly , after a few days of torrential rain , transformed into a landscape smiling with verdure ’ .
8 He is the head of a great Government office — what may be called the secretarial office ; he is ‘ the King 's Secretary of State for all departments ’ ; whatever writing has to be done in the King 's name is done by the Chancellor or through him and his officers .
9 The two most important catchphrases , certainly by the 1890s , were the ‘ law of evolution ’ and what may be called the spirit of organization .
10 The division of work would be that Scott would have ‘ ( subject to its conformity with internal arrangements ) the general command of the external design , and Wyatt would have ‘ the more especial direction of the interior ’ , except that they should work jointly on certain interiors ‘ of a more public nature such as public halls staircases corridors and what may be called the state apartments ’ .
11 These five species constitute what may be called the typical owl pattern , and even though it encompasses a fair degree of variability it is consistent enough for departures from it to be instantly recognizable .
12 The relationship with what may be called the NWICO movement needs both study and experimentation .
13 He held what may be called the ‘ thought → speech → thought ’ or ‘ translation ’ theory of communication .
14 You will be concerned with what may be called the degree of pruning : do you prune hard , ruthlessly to ground level , or not so drastically ?
15 Eliot certainly appreciated Hayward 's caustic wit and was himself , according to Hayward , " … a connoisseur of the ridiculous , an ironical commentator on human folly , a lover of allusive quotation ( particularly from the dicta of Sherlock Holmes and other eminent detectives ) , and a passionate observer of what may be called the Bouvard et Pécuchet way of life " .
16 The need for a third dimension arises most obviously from what may be called the problem of philosophy .
17 It was conceded by counsel for the defendant , necessarily and rightly , that the old offence of larceny by a trick is covered by section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 , as well as by section 15(1) to which we shall refer later , despite what may be called the apparent consent of the victim .
18 What ‘ the state ’ stands for is a number of particular institutions which , together , constitute its reality , and which interact as parts of what may be called the state system .
19 Sometimes it is convenient to give the line some thickness and so what may be called the " cooked spaghetti " model is used .
20 But I find myself left with what may be called the first main proposition of this book :
21 We think , perhaps , too much of the sedimentary environment , and not enough of what may be called the geophysical environment that can ensure their preservation .
22 As Gombrich points out : ‘ the experience of the underlying constancies in a person 's face which is so strong as to survive all the transformations of mood and age and even to leap across generations , conflicts with the strange fact that such recognition can be inhibited with comparative ease by what may be called the mask ’ .
23 Since such a review stands rather apart from the rest of the material , it is presented separately , in Appendix A , where we consider what syntax is and is not , and the difficulties that have beset previous attempts to explain it , of which the principal result has been an implicit acceptance of what may be called the " perspicuity of grammar " .
24 It refers to three radically different kinds of human behaviour and attitudes , one of which expresses ordinary human nature , one the " spiritual " dimension , and one the reverse of both : what may be called the " demonic " , whether that word is understood symbolically or not .
25 In effect the competitive labour supply function had been supplanted over most of its range by what may be called the ‘ trades union labour supply function ’ , illustrated by the bold lines in Figure 5.1 .
26 He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity .
27 The end of the dock when at the upper part of its inclined railway makes a practically water-tight joint with the standing work at the extremity of what may be termed the head bay or pond of which the dock then forms a continuation , there being also a gate or gates at the end of the bay to retain the water when the dock is absent .
28 The foot of the inclined way descends below the level of what may be termed the tail bay which is open at the end so that the dock and carriage run down into the water in order to bring the dock into alignment with the tail bay to allow of the vessel being hauled in or out of the dock .
29 It was the purpose of the Progress Office to ensure what may be termed the feeding of the works with the necessary parts .
30 Oakeshott , however , also contends that these offices are subject to the morality inherent in the rule of law ; what may be termed the jus of lex .
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