Example sentences of "[Wh det] can not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was to scorn the world of detail , information , precision , all the false knowledge which can not intrude on decay . ’
2 At the end of it , is all that is left a kind of residual and outmoded cultural tradition which can not stand against capital 's organizational expertise in confronting labour ?
3 The aim of this small investigation , which can not hope to be truly scientific , is to investigate the extent of the problem and to see if there are any obvious patterns .
4 This is the untold story of an exchange which rightly prides itself on an ability to offer efficient markets in leading shares but which can not cope with the unattractive smaller companies .
5 To say that Miranda on the island and Rosalind in the forest ‘ correspond to the soul of the ducal crown which can not remain with the illegal usurper , but must live in exile with the rightful ruler ’ uses queer and difficult language without helping matters one jot .
6 Private health insurance may help some elderly people to gain access to hospital treatment more quickly than would otherwise be the case , although there seems little justification for a National Health Service which can not cater for the needs of people in acute pain or discomfort as and when necessary .
7 Elements which can all appear at the same position within a document are regarded as forming a model class : for example , the class phrase includes all elements which can appear within paragraphs but not spanning them , while the class chunk includes all elements which can not appear within paragraphs ( such as paragraphs , for example ) .
8 They will also try to inculcate you with a spurious respect for a ‘ culture ’ which not only fails to distinguish between what is good and what is profitable but which can not distinguish between substance and insubstantiality .
9 Any team which can not think of a new rhyme , or repeats one that has been chosen earlier , drops out until only one team is left .
10 Ruling groups have found that their interests are best safeguarded if they are supported by a work force which can not think for itself in the coherent way writing affords .
11 But there are some molecular vibrations which can not interact with this radiation .
12 It says that the money which it was prepared to commit to training will not meet the pleas of the training and enterprise councils , which are struggling to deliver the training guarantees which the Government have committed them to providing , and which can not go beyond the delivery of that guarantee to extend training opportunities in a serious or significant way .
13 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
14 The only liberty I mean , is a liberty connected with order ; that not only exists along with order and virtue but , which can not exist at all without them .
15 A form or morpheme which can not exist on its own as a complete utterance .
16 Shaking our heads in grateful disbelief to the darkness of a deserted car park , the empty witness of which can not prevail against us , whose minds have been imprinted thus .
17 The value of AOB is to allow urgent matters to be raised which can not wait until the next meeting .
18 Is it really plausible that thousands upon thousands of lucky chance mutations happened coincidentally so that the lens and the retina , which can not work without each other , evolved in synchrony ?
19 To ensure the widest scope for getting the best deal it is necessary to exclude those which can not supply on the terms required .
20 There seems to be an exception in the case of trade unions which can not sue for libel ( see above ) but can nevertheless be made defendants as a result of the abolition of their immunity in tort by s15 of the 1982 Employment Act .
21 Quite a number of species can not breed in captivity , and clearly the welfare of an animal which can not breed in captivity is by definition not good .
22 This can be deduced from the fact that rocks of this age are typically red : the iron in them rusted , a process which can not occur without the presence of oxygen and water .
23 The Ego is the limited , separated , illusory self which can not see beyond the end of its own nose .
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