Example sentences of "[Wh det] can [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence shows that untreated milk has a higher nutritional value and contains anti-infective agents which can both restrict the growth of contaminating bacteria in milk and give the consumer protection against infection .
2 It does not appear as the arena of significant events , of accidental developments which can nevertheless have the most far-reaching consequences , of puzzling loose ends , or of real contradictions and inexplicabilities .
3 Figs 3 and 4 were generated by a flexible PostScript generator , show , which can either summarize the entire data-set on a single page , or show it in greater detail spread over several pages .
4 It is quite the opposite for a charge distribution which can easily have a non-zero oscillating electric dipole moment .
5 The only group at any real risk from a flu epidemic are the elderly , of which there are an increasing number these days , and the danger comes primarily from the development of secondary infections which can easily follow a dose of flu .
6 He shows that the cost information which underpins today 's policy and practice decisions is of poor quality , and employed in ways which can easily produce the wrong conclusions and encourage inappropriate action .
7 When man comes into this cycle , he brings with him the possibility of radical changes which can completely upset the natural balance .
8 We have tried to create a centre which first meets the needs of the city , but which can also assume a national role .
9 As time goes on , there is unwilling acceptance of each other , which may be good-humoured , but which can also hide a great deal of anger and resentment .
10 It is possible to have neighbours running mains welding equipment , for instance , which can also cause the same problems .
11 There is the blood factor , too , which can also provide a major benefit , as you will learn in the next chapter .
12 Healers lay crystals on ‘ chakras ’ — the parts of the body such as the solar plexus and the thymus area ( above ) which can best absorb the healing energy
13 Concessionary crownholds were also applicable to ‘ bodies which can effectively supervise the assignment of such houses ’ , such as housing associations .
14 Overcoming labour 's disadvantages requires an organization which can effectively sustain a ‘ dialogue ’ between the grassroots members of the movement and its leadership .
15 This is because low-pitched sounds have long wavelengths which can not resolve the difference between closely spaced objects .
16 It is possible now to go through the whole liberal arts course at Stanford University without ever reading Shakespeare ( a DWEM ) and there are many musems in the US now which can not contemplate an exhibition without first measuring it up against the PC yardstick .
17 The notion that a Ministry which can not command a majority in the House of Commons … a Ministry in a minority of 31 per cent … in these circumstances is invested with the right to demand a dissolution is as subversive of constitutional usage , as it would , in my opinion , be pernicious to the general and paramount interests of the nation at large .
18 ‘ As my Lord said , there may be particular kinds of libel which can not affect a corporation , but in respect of such libels as are injurious to it an action may be maintained .
19 And therefore , in the County Council 's erm opinion , the test which I need to adopt when I go to the site again , is to look at it and er simply make a decision as to whether or not in my opinion the land is more properly a part of this built-up area which can not perform a greenbelt function , or is a part of the general extent of greenbelt around there , and therefore by definition performs a greenbelt function .
20 It is totally pointless to use extra-heavy rods at short range which can not do the job they were designed for if they are not used with lines of the appropriate length .
21 It is true that these processes may well have a spatial expression in a specific situation , but there are others to which it is difficult to attribute any physical manifestation , or by definition which can not have a spatial expression at all .
22 How stable is a system which can not employ an increasing proportion of the population , which leaves half the world destitute , which rides a switchback cycle between boom and bust , which piles up tottering mountains of debt ?
23 Not suitable on objects or surfaces which can not resist the high temperature of steam , e.g. delicate and some man-made materials , velvet , natural fur , plastic , Dralon etc .
24 In my judgment the principle established by the authorities to which I have referred ( other than the Manchester Corporation case [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ) is that any corporation , whether trading or non-trading , which can show that it has a corporate reputation ( as distinct from that of its members ) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , can sue in libel to protect that reputation , in the same way as can a natural person , although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person .
25 All these agencies make sending out mailings much easier but they can be very expensive , and unless you give very precise and detailed instructions about which journalists in each category of the media should receive the release you may still be sending to media which can not use the story .
26 The rich grassland habitat of the past , which could support up to 20 species , has been replaced by pesticide-drenched monocultures which can barely support a single butterfly .
27 The wide range of motivation and attainment encountered amongst pupils opting to study a community language is sufficient argument for a deliberate concentration on methods of teaching which can adequately meet the needs of the different categories of learners .
28 Their priorities are virtually identical — the rapid establishment of a secure settlements system based on the removal of costly paper movements coupled to the phased introduction of rolling settlement which is competitive with the systems of other key financial centres and which can ultimately meet the group FO 30 's recommendations for a rolling three-day settlement system , T+3 .
29 ABOVE The eyes of some breeds , such as Setters and Poodles , may need to be wiped quite regularly to remove accumulations of tear fluids , which can otherwise stain the fur and look unpleasant .
30 This suggests that the quality of interhemispheric control merely represents a particular style of cerebral organisation which can certainly become a potential biological vehicle for psychotic disorder but which , in favourable circumstances , constitutes a brain mechanism responsible for the flexibility of thought found in some creative people .
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