Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [vb infin] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There are some transitional arrangements to cope with designs which had been registered on or after 12th January 1988 but prior to the more rigorous standards now applicable ( that is , prior to 1st August 1989 ) and which would fail to be registrable subsequently .
2 The economy will settle down at point A , a position of neoclassical equilibrium from the point of view of firms , though obviously not from the point of view of households , which would prefer to be at point B. Households must therefore revise downwards their planned expenditure on goods in the light of their failure to sell all of their labour services .
3 So rather than B5 — which would change to be C5 when copied one cell to the right — we use $B5 so that the reference to the project in column B remains fixed .
4 Scheler was anti-positivist and opposed to the ‘ cult of science ’ ( Hamilton 1974 : 75 ) which would appear to be at odds with Stark 's position .
5 For it is being questioned whether a symbol which would appear to be necessarily male can be said to be inclusive of all humanity .
6 While various independent software houses produce games which would appear to be eminently suited to this type of user control very few have actually produced or converted programs to work with it ; Micromania are an exception to this .
7 Paradoxically , assaulting a constable contrary to section 54(1) of the Police Act 1964 , which would appear to be an aggravated form of the offence is triable summarily only .
8 The fact remains that we as a council if we wish to , can meet a proper prudent budget and the alternative proposals tonight , which is really the the er unfortunate ones which would appear to be going through , are really not recognisable , that this is not the time to impose additional council tax or anything else on the people of this city when generally speaking their personal finances are not at their best .
9 Some of the children in our study felt desperately disappointed that they had not been adopted , and yet they did have a home which would continue to be available to them in their adult life and had found a kind of loving , though perhaps not the all-accepting , all-loving parent of their dreams .
10 The Palestinian negotiating team , the PLO , and Arab governments involved in the peace process , like Baker [ see below ] , rejected the distinction made by Rabin between " political " settlements , which would no longer receive official subsidies , and " security " settlements , which would continue to be funded .
11 Many of my tutors have said that one of the most salutary of their experiences has been to work with a good adult class , which starts with no preconceptions , does n't necessarily have a qualification in mind , and ask the kind of questions which would tend to be asked say in Swift 's Gulliver Travels .
12 There are tricky design and methodological issues which would need to be worked out , as foreshadowed earlier in this paper and by no means fully resolved in the preliminary study .
13 Within seconds , the vet announced that the lump was a large umbilical hernia which would need to be operated on , and that he should be castrated as these hernias are hereditary .
14 The calculator display would show a five followed by a decimal point and further numerals which would need to be ignored .
15 But I think there are a number of things er which would need to be taken into account .
16 However , it is a very important issue which would need to be fully addressed in any debate .
17 A presidential spokesman described these moves as " bitter pills " which would need to be swallowed to satisfy IMF conditions .
18 There are however other measures which would need to be taken in conjunction with the path ; in particular , the route to school would continue along Muirwood Road which is at present used as a ‘ rat-run ’ ; traffic-calming would be needed .
19 In order not to forget the solution , two DCs were proposed , referring to the modules which would need to be modified .
20 But there would of course be a greater or lesser requirement for additional roadworks as a result of that proposal , which would need to be the subject of negotiation .
21 He added : ‘ We have outlined the criteria which would need to be achieved before a move could be considered the rest is up to him . ’
22 Buyers are currently looking at packaging of inner soles which would need to be changed if we were to stock them .
23 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
24 While such a view is not absurd , it hardly touches on the issues which would have to be addressed for any overall assessment .
25 In what was seen as an important statement of Soviet foreign policy in the face of growing demands for German reunification , Mr Shevardnadze posed seven questions which would have to be answered before it was ‘ possible realistically to raise the issue … of re-establishing German unity ’ .
26 The principle which would have to be established first of all is that each person in the world ( all those aged 21 or over , suggests Dr Grubb ) would have an equal share in man-made carbon dioxide emissions , regardless of whether he lived in a rich developed country or a poor one which produced hardly any carbon dioxide at all .
27 Italy might be considered an unlikely candidate for EMU because of its chronic budget deficit , which would have to be reformed first .
28 At first , any hostility centred on the major new roads which would have to be ploughed across untouched farmland to carry extra traffic to the plant and the proposed hostel which threatened to inject up to 700 unmarried building workers into an isolated rural community .
29 When pressed for a favourable reply the pontiff put forward a set of propositions which would have to be accepted by Napoleon before the ceremony could take place .
30 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
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