Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bush 's signature of the civil rights bill on Nov. 21 was overshadowed by the withdrawal of a proposed presidential order which would have ended government affirmative action and hiring guidelines benefiting blacks and women .
2 It laid down the general principle of comprehensive education which would have ended selection over a period ( but this was repealed in the 1979 Act ) .
3 Voters narrowly rejected this scheme , which would have devolved responsibility to the communal level of authority , and cut down on the amount of incineration .
4 The draw ceremony was conducted seductively by Sophia Loren , operatically by Pavarotti , efficiently by Joseph Blatter , the Fifa general-secretary , and set against a background of studied chaos which would have done credit to a film by Fellini .
5 His rigorous policy , which would have blocked bank accounts and exchanged old bank notes for new ones at something less than one-to-one , was resisted by a group of ministers led by the Minister of Finance , René Pleven .
6 Where you have settled the case prior to trial , it is possible that you may have a report that you would have disclosed and which would have formed part of the proceedings at trial had the case gone ahead .
7 But both decisions were at the request of the race organizers who felt any cancellation or withdrawal may have resulted in a mass exodus of spectators from the circuit which would have hindered rescue operations .
8 She turned her attention to his injury , relieved to see that he was now losing very little blood , and that although the area about the wound was reddened and irritated the edges of the gash where the arrow had entered were not jagged , which would have delayed healing .
9 Both these latter points , though Macdonald does not connect them , appear to lend some force to the arguments of Edinburgh employers that by the end of the century , they were not so much drawing extra work to Edinburgh as desperately trying to stem an inexorable decline of the Edinburgh trade , occasioned both by its geographical distance from London ( incurring freight costs and inconvenience , which would have affected bookbinding equally ) and by its comparatively high rents and cost of living ( as compared to country towns like Frome ) .
10 Plans for a by-pass which would have crossed Lugg meadows were scuppered by a public inquiry .
11 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
12 On Oct. 11 Bush vetoed legislation which would have extended unemployment payments to more than 2,000,000 people whose benefits had run out ( see .
13 Charles Innes , an experienced lawyer who advised Lord Dundas in political matters , had no doubt about the desirability of acting to meet Glassford 's wishes , pointing out that Carrick had not been dismissed for malversation , which would have made reinstatement a difficult matter , but for ‘ some piece of neglect or inattention ’ , and in fact another of Dundas 's correspondents appeared to get closer to the heart of the difficulty when he met with Glassford , reporting that
14 Since the first edition of this book both the Matrimonial Homes ( Co-ownership ) Bill introduced in the House of Lords in 1980 ( which would have made provision for statutory co-ownership of the matrimonial home ) and the Land Registration of Law of Property Bill ( affecting the practice that has grown up following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland ) [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) have failed .
15 The Sejm ( parliament ) on May 16 voted to halt the passage of controversial legislation backed by the Roman Catholic Church which would have made abortion illegal almost without exception .
16 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
17 As we explained in our previous book , and as virtually all serious biblical scholars concur , the Gospels , in treating such issues as these , were either drastically rewritten or , more likely , distorted the events they describe — which would have taken place at least thirty years before they were composed .
18 President Bush has reversed an Administration pledge which would have compelled vehicle manufacturers to fit special canisters to trap petrol vapour during refuelling .
19 BIIBA has now made a strong complaint to Fimbra about the latter 's decision to withdraw from an agreement made on 18 September which would have allowed BIIBA members , who held existing professional indemnity cover , to renew their existing policies .
20 A health board spokesman said the wages ' computer tape was handed over to the Clydesdale Bank on Wednesday , as normal , which would have allowed processing of the £1,360,000 wage bill in time for withdrawal yesterday .
21 Leading bankers , in a meeting with the government on Oct. 11 , rejected an aid-tied " Legal Assistance Accord " with the US government , which would have allowed access to information on people suspected of involvement in drug-related activities , in an effort to control " money laundering " in Panama City 's " offshore " International Finance Centre .
22 However , the next enzyme in the sequence , which would have started work on glucose 6 phosphate , is smarter , and wo n't have anything to do with 2-DG6P .
23 Which would have meant marriage because he would have
24 Nevertheless , it was impossible to ignore the fact that the overall percentage of registered electors voting in favour , at 64.51 per cent in Latvia and 64.49 per cent in Estonia , fell short of the two-thirds majority which would have meant victory if the referendums had been held according to the April 1990 USSR legislation on the secession of a republic [ see pp. 37361-62 ] .
25 He had a magnetic quality which would have drawn attention even without the good looks , the hand-made clothes and impeccable grooming .
26 Two-thirds had attended a school visit which would have required organisation by senior school management .
27 There are along the route four long tunnels , each of which would have required attention .
28 The despatch which would have told Wellington of the loss of Charleroi and the further French advance lay in the Major 's saddlebag .
29 On issues of central political concern , Rodríguez was accused of breaking his election promise of land reform by vetoing laws passed by the Congress which would have introduced land dispute courts and expropriated a large estate .
30 The manifesto also said that there had been a threat of economic and monetary union which would have brought unemployment , but that that threat had been removed .
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