Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The second cousins have just issued their first newsletter and they have grand plans to open an information centre in Liverpool , which would cater for enthusiasts all over Europe .
2 At 31 December 1991 the US federal tax authorities had proposed adjustments relating to the assessment of certain profits earned during 1979 to 1983 by Ultramar Group companies operating outside the US and other matters which would result in taxes of approximately US$190 million plus interest .
3 It was extremely likely that she was pleading with him to escape so she could lead him straight into a trap which would result in accusations of spying or some such thing .
4 It was not a fortune , but it was a respectable competence , thanks to royalties , which would continue for years yet , whether the doctor reappeared or remained in limbo .
5 The principal objective of the campaign is to encourage walking by the promotion of demonstration pedestrian priority projects , which would act as models of good practice and thus provide guidance to local authorities and , metaphorically , a rallying point for pedestrians .
6 The ‘ information ’ part of Vredeling , which would apply to employers with 1,000 or more employees , would require that information relating to the business as a whole , and to the employees ' own particular subsidiaries or establishments , be supplied annually to employees ' representatives .
7 Rates of CTT chargeable on the coming to an end of an interest in possession during the lifetime of the beneficiary On a separate matter , it is right that I should inform the Committee , for the avoidance of doubt , that the lower rates of CTT announced by the Chief Secretary on 5th February which would apply to transfers of value occurring during the lifetime of the transferor will also apply where an interest in possession comes to an end during the lifetime of the person beneficially entitled to that interest .
8 In 1989 it was planned to reduce the deficit to 13 per cent of total budgetary expenditure ( at an unspecified exchange rate ) with the assistance of the Central Bank , which would call in loans and foreign donations .
9 The screwworm larvae , which burrowed deep into the flesh of their animal or human hosts , had been a major problem in Central and South America until the 1950s , when the technique of releasing sterilized male flies ( which would mate with females but produce no offspring ) had brought the parasite under control .
10 The committee proposed ( i ) an executive comprising a directly elected President , a Prime Minister who would be the leader of the majority party in parliament , and a Security Council consisting of the senior ministers , members of the security forces and three presidential nominees ; ( ii ) a non-partisan Council of State , including leaders of all parliamentary political parties and regional representatives , which would deal with matters of " constitutional or national significance " ; ( iii ) a single directly elected legislature ; and ( iv ) a Special Committee on Human Rights and Administrative Justice which would promote and monitor the enforcement of such rights .
11 Thus , although he does not enumerate a catalogue of rights it seems clear that it is chiefly the conventional political and civil liberties , including a right to freedom of conscience , that are associated with the traditional doctrine of liberalism which would qualify as rights in the strong sense .
12 The peace plan , which would allow for republics to declare independence , had been amended to allow for republics to form a common state , the economy of which could be organized on non-market lines ; the article granting autonomy to the ( currently Serbian-controlled ) provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina was deleted .
13 Natural selection would then favour the animals that fought dangerously , which would increase in numbers .
14 The two Libyan nationals accused by the US and UK of the Libya bombing are alleged to have committed what would amount to offences under the Montreal Convention .
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