Example sentences of "[Wh det] could be [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 Within this region , as Professor Hoskins suggested , there are various names and alignments which raise questions in the mind of any landscape historian , questions which could be asked of any part of England .
2 Other people may settle down happily : the noise means a safe background , a train on its way — eating the miles , with a rhythm and vibration which could be thought of as a loud , comforting lullaby .
3 These are just two of the many examples which could be quoted of the controlling and interacting forces at work in nature and of the subtle interlinking with occurs throughout the natural world and which maintains the state of order on this planet .
4 Each of these future estates , though it gave no present right to possession or enjoyment , was treated as something already in existence , which could be disposed of and would descend ( so far as it is inheritable ) just like a present estate .
5 As the Minority Report put it : ‘ The national Authority dealing with the able-bodied requires … what we might almost term a Human Sorting House , where each man 's faculties would be tested to see what could be made of him ; and a series of Training Establishments , to one or other of which the heterogeneous residuum of Unemployed would be assigned . ’
6 In their understandable anxiety to save what could be saved of Greek life by cooperating with the Romans , Polybius and , we must add , Posidonius , had left unexplored the most solid substructures of the Roman-Italian complex .
7 Marx blinked at what could be seen of the office ceiling through the hanging cloud of his cigar smoke .
8 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
9 Dark clouds now covered the sky and what could be seen of the harbour was a study in greys , slate blues and silver .
10 ‘ If this does n't let up we 'll need something dry to change into , ’ he said , squinting up at what could be seen of a lowering sky .
11 Accordingly , they concentrated on what could be spoken of — the life and experience and understanding of faith .
12 Because , for Aquinas , there was a limit to what could be known of God by reason alone , and a point where faith and revelation had to take over , physical knowledge was subordinate to metaphysical knowledge , and ultimately to faith .
13 He proposed to draw up what could be learned of the history of this area , and hoped that the Earl of Northumbria would ask his old men to do the same , when a meeting might be called to their mutual benefit .
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