Example sentences of "[Wh det] could be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 Among the Paracelsians there had been an emphasis on inner illumination , which could be perceived as a threat to established forms of religion .
2 According to the patent ( Us 235 199 ) , when the chopped light beam was focused onto the diaphragm it created sympathetic movements which could be heard as sound .
3 The lack of welfare officers , the rarity of home leave , the concept of visits and letter-writing as a privilege which could be withdrawn as a punishment , and the denial of permission to keep family photographs , were all indications of an absence of serious interest in helping to maintain a prisoner 's contacts with the outside world .
4 That could not be said of the Cuban missile crisis which could be seen as President Kennedy 's determination to uphold the Monroe doctrine .
5 William had come to the throne two years earlier , in 1688 , after the Glorious Revolution against the Catholic James II ; but although the Treatises do contain material which could be seen as after-the-fact justifications of the Revolution , they were not written for this reason .
6 With some minor deviations — such as Paisley 's preference for fuller integration with the mainland in the early 1970s — the DUP has maintained the image of being the most traditional of the unionist parties and the one with the record of consistent opposition to any changes in the political structures of Northern Ireland which could be seen as compromise with nationalists and republicans .
7 Which could be seen as a good thing ; after all , in the eyes of sceptical guitarists the GR-1 could stand or fall on its immediate user-friendly appeal .
8 One , which could be seen as a little circular , is to look at the brains of mammals alive today and determine what they have in common .
9 Rosie Leventon 's Copper Floor involves 320 textured copper briquettes which could be seen as a woman 's reappropriation of Carl Andre 's Bricks .
10 He portrays Madeline and Mrs. Proudie as not very ‘ nice ’ — one too fond of using her femininity and the other hardly seeming to recognise it — which could be seen as a criticism of any woman who dared to question her accepted niche in society .
11 We find them sometimes in words like ‘ happen ’ , which can be pronounced , though and are equally acceptable , and ‘ uppermost ’ , which could be pronounced as though would be more usual .
12 One result of this has been the pervasive influence of linguistic methodology upon such studies of objects as have developed in recent decades ; and while the rise of semiotics in the 1960s was advantages in that it provided for the extension of linguistic research into other domains , any of which could be treated as a semiotic system ( e.g. Eco 1976 : 9–14 ) , this extension took place at the expense of subordinating the object qualities of things to their word-like properties .
13 Few mystical treatises get off to a more intriguing start than The Fire of Love , which describes the first time Rolle became aware of a heat in his breast which , he insists , was not imaginary or metaphorical but which could be felt as a finger felt the heat of the flames in which it had been thrust .
14 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
15 Now they were being offered as the basis for policy , a suitably tailored " native language " which could be understood as the only common cultural resource of the whole nation , and administered as such .
16 These researchers attempt to provide simple rules which could be applied as productions at the tactical and even strategical levels .
17 But it is arguable that its deepest roots are to be sought in patterns of normality and abnormality in a family of ordinary language expressions ( which could be formulated as a set of diagnostic frames ) .
18 ‘ The government also believes , ’ said the Minister , that ‘ where farmers restrict their activities beyond the degree which could be regarded as good agricultural practice , they should be compensated . ’
19 A factor which could be regarded as an act of God now intervened .
20 The officers ' comments about what they had seen were observations of association between W and others , but in no case was any act shown on W's part which could be regarded as an overt act in respect of the conspiracy charge .
21 Her hair fell thick and straight to her square shoulders ; it was a shade too dark to be fairly termed blonde , but Victoria 's canon of style rejected tinting — or at least , tinting which could be recognised as such .
22 Finally , 42 of the Nazis ( 69 per cent of the ‘ sample ’ ) provided responses which could be classed as ‘ indifference of conscience ’ , and pointed to disinterest or internal suppression of knowledge and responsibility for the fate of the Jews .
23 We will also see cases where we do not categorize whole organizations in this way but we separate out those functions within the organization which could be classed as Type A and those which could be classed as Type B. This can also lead to parts of public sector organizations being classified as ‘ profit-oriented ’ , a trend that has been particularly marked during the 1980s with the increasing use of Direct Service Organizations in local authorities , Hospital Trusts in the health service and Executive Agencies in the civil service .
24 We will also see cases where we do not categorize whole organizations in this way but we separate out those functions within the organization which could be classed as Type A and those which could be classed as Type B. This can also lead to parts of public sector organizations being classified as ‘ profit-oriented ’ , a trend that has been particularly marked during the 1980s with the increasing use of Direct Service Organizations in local authorities , Hospital Trusts in the health service and Executive Agencies in the civil service .
25 Above all , actions must be avoided which would serve to solidify the disintegrating Unionist ranks — all irresponsible adventures , anything which could be construed as provocation .
26 There is a potentially much broader field of work which could be construed as the sociology of knowledge .
27 Scarlet had watched amazed as teams of youthful strangers had made unerringly for the fruit bowl , demolishing pears , grapes and even the mango which was really there for ornamental purposes , without uttering one squeak which could be construed as a request for permission .
28 Gradual developing defects , cracks , etc. are expected to be remedied by the Insured before they develop to such an extent that the stoppage of the machine and immediate repair which could be construed as breakdown of the machine .
29 They agreed to do nothing which could be construed as recognition of the current Soviet government .
30 The corporation 's workforce is renowned for the phenomenon of ‘ pleitismo ’ which could be translated as litigiousness .
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