Example sentences of "[Wh det] were to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 In the eighteenth century the professions , which were to be the core of the nineteenth-century middle class , brought some social esteem but little economic power .
2 The Act empowered the Secretary of State to put a limit on the amount if in his opinion the amount proposed to be raised was ‘ excessive ’ according to principles he determined which were to be the same for all authorities falling within the same class .
3 The administration 's fiscal 1991 and fiscal 1992 deficit totals both excluded the costs of US military deployment and operations in the Gulf , which were to be the subject of a separate submission to Congress later in the month .
4 By what were to be the last years of the silent cinema quite a few critics had become aware of some sense of life in the feature film .
5 Strikes by Doherty ‘ s National Union of Operative Spinners , and in the coal fields , greatly alarmed Peel , at the Home Office ; and , in what were to be the dying days of the Tory administration , he looked unsuccessfully for a legal answer to what he called ‘ the constitution and acts of a confederacy calculated in its immediate effects to disturb the peace of the manufacturing districts , and capable , if allowed to gain strength and consistency , of being converted at once into an open resistance to the law . ’
6 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
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