Example sentences of "[Wh det] he try [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 in Greek mythology , Bellerophon 's winged horse , on which he tried to fly to heaven .
2 Or it may have been the sweet tyranny of his mother 's childhood rules , never quite outgrown , which he tried to recreate in his rigid adult life .
3 He had , in fact , an extremely kind heart , which he tried to hide behind a quick , fierce manner — though this usually deceived no one .
4 That is , they regard a novel as the creation of a particular human being , who has a particular vision of the world , which he tries to communicate to his or her readers by employing the codes of narrative and language in a particular way , and is responsible for the novel 's success or failure in this regard , and deserves praise or blame accordingly .
5 What bothers him , though , is the science that lies behind it ; he ca n't make head or tail of what he tries to read about it .
6 It was , of course , what he tried to do with everyone that he thought worth the trouble .
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