Example sentences of "[Wh det] he must have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Later , confronted with the ambiguously dominating Attwater who kings it over the natives on his atoll , one of them ‘ broke into a piece of the chorus of a comic song which he must have heard twenty years before in London : meaningless gibberish that , in that hour and place ’ , seemed hateful as a blasphemy : ‘ Hikey , pikey , crikey , fikey , chillinga — wallaba dory . ’
2 A quiver ran through her which heated as it travelled through her body and which he must have noticed , for he smiled mockingly at her .
3 Although there is no direct evidence on the subject of Richard 's upbringing and education — we do not even know the names of his tutors as we do in his father 's case — it is none the less possible , by using romances and treatises , to reconstruct the type of education which he must have undergone .
4 Like the politics of the miners which seamed through the talk of his brothers , never as vivid as the ‘ stories ’ but always there , those early films provided him with examples of acting which he must have absorbed willy-nilly .
5 After eating the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron which he must have liked , he asked me where I came from .
6 Lionel Luyt told me that it was only when he reached Europe a few years later that he realized how far ahead of his South African contemporaries John had been , doing things which he must have invented for himself because he had not had the chance to see them put into practice by others .
7 Henry rejected these terms and made a counter-proposal , that Alice should marry John , which he must have known would be unacceptable .
8 Why had he returned to a milieu which he must have known was a dangerous one for him ?
9 Issuing an imperative ultimatum , which had given her no room for manoeuvre , and with which he must have known she could n't possibly have agreed , he had abruptly and swiftly left the country .
10 There is a sundial over the door , dated 1751 , and inscribed with the reminder ‘ Time Passeth ’ — a concept which surely impressed the young Tennyson and which he must have mused upon a length as a boy .
11 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
12 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
13 There remained the peculiar business of the poetry book , which he must have had ready to puzzle me .
14 This word ‘ gently ’ enhances the tenderness of the lines , while ‘ fields unsown ’ tells us that the man had to go and work in the fields , suggesting a strength and a vigour which he must have had and thereby making his death harder to accept .
15 In some handwritten notes , which he must have used as the basis for a talk , he urges : ‘ It is all here in London — a wonderful city .
16 Next to his plate was a jotting pad and pen which he must have picked up as he passed the navigation station .
17 He wrote a poem about his friend Francis Thompson , and in it there are many echoes of his own sad youth in which he must have wondered often if his mind would flower too late for good .
18 You 're only reporting what he must have said .
19 Then he wondered if he was capable of putting what he must have heard to some use .
20 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
21 But his hand was up , silencing me and what he must have guessed were to be my thanks .
22 His blond head dipped briefly , as he refused her the possibility of completing what he must have guessed would have been a remonstrative retort .
23 Now Ebenezer Judge understood what he must have felt , as a dozen willing hands hoisted him on high , held him for an instant in mid-air , then let him down , inch by inch , until the back of his head knocked against the stone wall and the freezing water lapped over his boots .
24 She waited for his answer and when he remained silent , wondered what he must have done .
25 He knew no English and took no interest in what he must have regarded as a far flung outpost of his Angevin Empire — except for the revenues it could bring .
26 I mean , that 's what he must have expected . ’
27 When morning came the King , Guy of Lusignan , could see what he must have known already .
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