Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 But there is also a more general competition and conflict among nation states , some aspects of which I discussed in Chapter 5 , that has proved so far impossible to overcome , or even to moderate substantially .
32 And he took out of his wallet a tiny piece of paper , which I recognized as part of my sketch book , and showed it to me .
33 He produced in the palm of his right hand two slender plastic spools , which I recognized as nostovision bullets , ready to be inserted into the head-laser .
34 One held up a Bible and a rosary , but none spoke until an older man , their commanding officer , strode up with an outstretched hand which I shook without enthusiasm .
35 I raised over £4OO in total , which I gave to Cancer Research and the Multiple Sclerosis Society . ’
36 ‘ The definition of ‘ cause of action ’ which I gave in Read v. Brown has been cited .
37 Thus for example in the quotation which I gave from Anselm , it is to be noted that God is to be seen as a Father in authority and teaching , as a Mother in kindness and mercy .
38 With hindsight , I know I should have seen the warning signals in the man himself , which I missed through inexperience , but the result was that a cloud of depression , a sense of failure , settled over me , and also over the whole team .
39 But , on the two days on which I travelled with Mr Major , even I succumbed .
40 ( This has a certain similarity to Carol Gilligan 's argument about moral reasoning , which I mentioned in Chapter 3 . )
41 I have two Clownfish , which I bought as juveniles of a similar size .
42 At a junk-shop a little further along I saw a china snuff-box painted with ribbons in lover's-knots , and an M on the lid , which I bought for Mavis .
43 The next day was the big event and I wore a nice new dress in blue and fawn which I bought from Shepherd 's in Barnard Castle .
44 My interest at the time was in describing the close bonds of friendship women often from , an intimacy rarely found amongst men and about which I spoke on Women 's Hour .
45 Everything that the right hon. Gentleman proposes would lead to the perpetual recession of which I spoke on Tuesday .
46 It 's an old injury which I sustained against Widnes earlier in the season . ’
47 The foreknowledge of that fate gave her flesh a deliciously transient ripeness , a brief doomed perfection on which I loved to gorge myself .
48 Q I have recently set up a four foot tank which I furnished with rocks , caves and bogwood .
49 Having applied in June 1991 for recognition of my doctorate , which I obtained in Paris , I presented my candidacy for a CSIC post as a palaeobotanist .
50 As for outside events , in these three years or so there was a cluster of royal funerals , weddings and the Coronation which I watched on Janina 's new television .
51 That builds on the success of the television industry and other electronic industries to which I referred in answer to earlier questions .
52 This fact would appear to reflect the land potential to which I referred in Chapter 4 .
53 The experiment I was doing all those months ago when I began writing this book , which I described in Chapter 2 , involved using the sugar fucose as a precursor for glycoprotein .
54 One day both parents accompanied me to a fund-raising luncheon at the Savoy , an afternoon rehearsal , tea at the house of an old friend in Twickenham by the river , the recording of a TV show in which I appeared in front of a live audience , and supper in a lovely restaurant with the cast .
55 Save The Children 's Rosemount project which I visited in June is working with parents and children , providing quality child care with individual attention for each child and offering courses in computing and child care for women to improve their skills and equally important , their confidence .
56 I give my warmest congratulations to the staff at Ormskirk hospital , which I visited in November 1989 for the turf-cutting for a new £32 million project which was a typical example of the 75 per cent .
57 , he 's probably widdleing nothing , poor that was n't worth sitting down for , no to think that once I 've gone on , which I did on Friday , I 'm now on my way out the other end
58 My data here come from two conversations : one between two men , recorded for the Survey of English Usage , a large corpus-based project on the structure of educated British English , and one between two women — feminists — which I recorded for purposes of comparison .
59 Look what I got for mother .
60 Well that 's all very nice , very nice indeed , but what I also want is a guaranteed non-stop sex machine and that 's exactly what I got with Jack .
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