Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [verb] is [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I think it erm , very , I mean I think as you said Chairman , if erm , there 's a clear majority for one party it 'll unblock a whole lot of delay and decision making which I think is going on and I think that that should be helpful .
2 But let's leave aside the whole question of the truth of the statement , which I think is going to lead us , if we 're not careful , to the hideout of some other gang altogether .
3 The same as the way that this gentleman has found it 's somebody else making a decision to what people can see and I do n't consider some a show like Pro 's and Con 's which had female nudity and two hundred and fifty people walk out in one night to mean something which I think is enhancing to the playhouse . .
4 And it would be helpful for councillor I would say that I know that there are a third of our members and from the program committees for capital expenditure which I suspect is going to be to excess of the five hundred thousand pounds per year which we actually have .
5 ‘ However , British Coal believe that plans for major new investments have to be reviewed in the light of the changing market conditions , which I understand is happening at Point of Ayr . ’
6 What I like is combining something strict with something free — it creates ambiguity and I love ambiguity .
7 What I advocate is exuding an aura of femaleness .
8 We are restricted somewhat by time , because I want to get everybody back in the main auditorium to listen to what I know is going to be a fantastic lecture by Professor Don , er from Baltimore , which I would certainly recommend that everybody go and see .
9 What I love is looking at the designs and helping choose the fabrics — and working out how much to charge ! ’
10 What I think is happening is that a big shoal has moved into the swim ; a very hungry shoal of bream that behave very much like chickens .
11 What I think is happening , I find this interesting , people are rejecting the idea of the aesthetic , and I 'm not quite sure why ; I do n't know whether they think it 's elitist or whether they 've got no taste of their own , or what , I do n't know , but people read poems not as poems which convey aesthetic emotion , which is the way I tend to think about poems ultimately , but simply as ideological statements and political texts , or at least , things that give you some understanding of the way people thought or so on at the time … .
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