Example sentences of "[Wh det] was [adv] [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 McLean 's attempt to impersonate a tic-tac man apart — all he needed was a pair of white gloves — the game offered little in the way of entertainment , which was particularly disappointing when the outcome meant so much to both sides as far as their hopes of finishing fourth in the Premier Division was concerned .
2 Which was n't possible because Chris was saying it was n't possible to do .
3 Out with the carp rods again and straight into fish — we had now caught somewhere in the region of eighty fish between us all on boilies ( which was n't bad considering they do n't eat them remember ) up to around 17lb .
4 Most difficult of all , admits , is setting foreign language puzzles : ‘ I translated some puzzles into Russian once , which was not easy since I did not even know the Cyrillic alphabet ! ’
5 Tuesday was the Music Exam which was not difficult as I was already working at the Theory of Music at the Royal College .
6 He achieved for the COS , however , a degree of influence in government circles which was rather greater than the Society 's contribution to philanthropy .
7 I was saying that the proportion of advertising expenditure given was for that in the two lowest tar groups , which was rather less than the proportion of total sales .
8 So he called me up and asked me if I wanted to play it , which was incredibly flattering because I 'd been a fan of his for such a long time .
9 Which was pretty odd as it was fixed with one of those fancy knots which simply ca n't pull out .
10 She even waved her fists , which was pretty useless as she 's only nine and small for her age .
11 Other unions were equally alarmed by the potential scale of the problem , which was just emerging as schools received their budgets for the new financial year .
12 She turned up a lane which was even steeper than the road she had just left .
13 Along this road , which was nowhere wider than 6ml 20ft , some 3,000 French trucks passed night and day for seven months , at the rate of one every 14 seconds .
14 Finally , the Yugoslav government held up payment to the construction enterprises for several more months , and then paid them in dinars at the current rate of exchange , which was considerably worse than the rate applicable at the time when payment was originally due .
15 Mum found the ‘ American express menu ’ , which was considerably shorter than the Gettysburg address I was deciphering and extremely cheap — the most expensive item being smoked baby back ribs in barbecue sauce at £2.50 .
16 In contrast to his fiction , Asimov took nine months to write his autobiography , which was considerably longer than War and Peace .
17 By the pool at Château Kitsch , which was as blue as Enid Coley 's hostess gown , Trace , who 'd changed into a slinky black dress , was having a row with Randy Sherwood .
18 The organisers announced the birth of a ‘ Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China ’ , and proposed a motto : ‘ Today Peking , tomorrow Hong Kong ’ , which was as close as Hong Kong came to making explicit its interest in the struggles to the north .
19 Had it been a boy , he would have been Arthur , after that toast of all good Cornishmen , the once and future king ; but as she was a girl , she was Jennifer , which was as close as need be to Guinevere .
20 So he did what he was going to do anyway , what would most engage his own attention , and invited the others to share the preoccupation — which was as much as any man could do , he thought .
21 His face changed because his brother Stair was one of the party , escorting the young heiress to a beer barony in Milwaukee , which was as much as such a penniless man as himself could aspire to , especially as his title was a mere baronetcy .
22 He eyed Fenella uncertainly and Fenella , who was becoming impatient , said , ‘ Well , for heaven 's sake — ’ which was an expression she had picked up from Snizort and Snodgrass and which was as meaningless as most of their expressions , but descriptive of strong emotion .
23 Ingrid had been given a month to complete her mission , which was as long as it would take the Navy to organise a commando raid .
24 Bernard loved moving , and they had now spent nearly five years at Rhydoldog which was as long as he liked to spend anywhere .
25 The NRA 's expensive campaign was defeated by a lobbying effort , fronted by the wheelchair-bound Brady , which was as professional as its own .
26 The latter has an excellent Silken Ladder Overture conducted by Muti , but also extracts from Gardelli 's William Tell , which was as unsatisfactory as most recordings of that exceptionally difficult opera .
27 Fortunately Artemis had often jumped this particular fence with Jenkins , and Buttons sailed over it , which was as well since there was no other way forward .
28 I was accorded a degree of respect appropriate to a man who had been under arms , which was as well as , after rumours of my predilections spread through the warehouse , there were not many willing to share with me .
29 Peter sat down on the leather sofa , which was as uncomfortable as it looked , and went through the folder .
30 If the place failed as links the property was a valuable one , and there was no probability in their losing their money and in the meantime they were receiving three per cent which was as good as if the money were invested in Consols .
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